Overeem etc... Why the Dutch are the Dutch

It's not a Godwin if it's pertinent. Hitler isn't off limits for the duration of human existence beccause some people abuse it. I'd say when speaking about a Western European peoples' racial superiority, it's no reductio ad hitlerum to bring up ol' Adi.

And yes, I know you're kidding. I just really wanted to work "Van Hitler" in there.

Still, kinda insensitive to joke about a Dutch guy being Hitler seeing as the Nazis starved tens of thousands of Dutch to death at the end of WWII for their lack of collaboration...:rolleyes:
Grijswaarde thanks for filling us in, I think I would love Saturdays if I lived there.
Still, kinda insensitive to joke about a Dutch guy being Hitler seeing as the Nazis starved tens of thousands of Dutch to death at the end of WWII for their lack of collaboration...:rolleyes:

At the same time, that was almost 70 years ago, we are cool ;)
Wooden shoes, wooden head, wouldn't listen. We eat shit every day. Well that is basically what makes the Dutch the Dutch. You can always tell the dutch, but you can't tell them much. As always: excuses me if i made any grammar errors, English is not my native language.

Thank you very much.
Fix'd for ya :wink:
Not from what I've heard from the Dutch I've met in person...

But it's not the stone cold hate of the 50's and 60's still of course.

Then those must be either old people or really conservative people... I am 31 and i can joke around people of my age and younger about Hitler all i want. Obviously just like everywhere opinions differ here.
Holland is pretty left wing orientated, so we make no difference in genetics. For examples: British and Jamaican genetics are just considered Dutch if you pass a test testing your social and cognitive skills.

The dutch must be idiots then if they say there's no difference in genetics or maybe you don't understand what genetics mean.
That's like saying 5 + 5 = 7.

Overeem does not have Dutch genetics, his father is from Jamaica(African genetics)
and his mother is from Britain. (Anglo Saxon or Celtic genetics)

Stop being ignorant. His nationality is Dutch but his genetics aren't.
He is not genetically from Holland/Netherlands.

Maybe you meant nationality?

The dutch must be idiots then if they say there's no difference in genetics or maybe you don't understand what genetics mean.
That's like saying 5 + 5 = 7.

Overeem does not have Dutch genetics, his father is from Jamaica(African genetics)
and his mother is from Britain. (Anglo Saxon or Celtic genetics)

Stop being ignorant. His nationality is Dutch but his genetics aren't.
He is not genetically from Holland/Netherlands.

Maybe you meant nationality?

You have been trolled to a point i have to mention it. Have a good night.
Grijswaarde, alles wat je post in dit topic is een grap hoop ik? if not... lay down the weed bro ;)
"we make no difference in genetics" bwuhahahaa
Grijswaarde, alles wat je post in dit topic is een grap hoop ik? if not... lay down the weed bro ;)
"we make no difference in genetics" bwuhahahaa

haha uiteraard broer, met name de hamburger als typisch hollands product met paard en zalm haha. Tot nu toe verloopt het prachtig. Zet wellicht mn account op het spel maar het is het waar. ;)
Hahahahahahaha, great thread. And BrizzoBoi's response about the Chinese of "those regions" brought tears to my eyes.....
Vatican guards being Dutch?
Weekly consumption of "hamburger" in honor of a Dutch king?
Claiming that the are big due to genetics and using OVEREEM as an example?

Seeing as how you are a Dutchman, this is a obvious troll thread.
You might have noticed that somehow most relevant Dutch fighters are heavyweights. The Dutch have been described by the Romans as giants. The Dutch have formed the elite guard of the pope in the middle ages and the Dutch have the longest average height in the world. All in all, the Netherlands house a lot of huge fighters like Overeem, Schilt, Struve etc.


the answer is genetics, customs and nutrition.

Genetics is a thing that one cannot change. It is just there. The Dutch have evolved on flat, open lands and therefore being tall meant a better view. Just like the Masai in Kenya who live in open spaces. On the other hand, races that live on mountains tend to be stocky and small (like the French).

Riding a bike is the second thing. In Holland, no matter if you own a Rolls Royce, once in a while you grab the bike, and using a car for short distances is frowned upon. Children don't ride the bus to school, they take the bike. This way being active and sportive is embedded in Dutch culture.

Nutrition is the third and maybe most important part. In Holland the traditional meal consists of potatoes, vegetables and meat. We eat that shit every day. It is almost like a bodybuilder diet, the reason why there are not as much obese people in Holland.

Concerning nutrition, one of the key factors in our physical build is the tradition of weekly eating "hamburgers". This is a typical Dutch dish named after the city Hamburg when it was conquered bij Dutch King Willem III in 1756. It basically is a bun cut in half, salad, some baked horsemeat, onions, pickles, salmon and mayonaise.

It is a Dutch tradition to eat hamburgers every saturday to remember king Willem III. The horse meat is very important for muscle growth. I've noticed that most Americans find it weird to eat horse, which amazed me. Eating cow and chicken can never fuel the muscle like a horse does.

Well that is basically what makes the Dutch the Dutch. As always: excuses me if i made any grammar errors, English is not my native language.

Thank you very much.

I think this was very well spoken and interesting. Your grammar was fine, besides, Americans couldn't write half this well in Dutch.