Old guy advice (tl & too pompous DR)


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2004
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Cherish Family- BUT only if they are worth it. Just because you share blood doesn’t mean they are good for you the rest of your life. Toxic is toxic regardless of DNA and even really good families sometimes produce a bad seed.

Cultivate friends BUT only keep them if they prove to be worth it. Meet lots of people, discard most of them, keep the few that prove themselves through actions and words and proof that they care about you. (inspired by the very interesting recent thread)

Have fun- But make sure it doesn’t get out of control or go on too long- DWI- time to reconsider. Drug purchases taking away your rent money, time to reconsider, arrested- time to reconsider- Friends warning you about your choices constantly time to reconsider. Chasing your gambling loses & fucking over your debts, time to reconsider. It starts affecting your physical, mental or emotional health, time to reconsider. My theory of Fucknuttery is when you hit roughly 25 for males or 23 for females, you look up and decide if you’re going to get serious or be a high school like fucknut the rest of your life, my advice is don’t be a fucknut

Travel- when young do it on the cheap, after that do it as you are comfortable with it physically and financially. If nobody wants to go with you, go yourself it’ll force you to meet people. Personal advice don’t do it on cruise ships and all inclusive resorts, immerse yourself in where you are don’t seal yourself off behind fancy walls

Learning doesn't end when school does, learning doesn't only happen in schools. read some classics and philosophy there are reasons they have remained relevant a long time in human history

Invest- Max your work’s 401 match and then be safe with Mutual funds and Dividend paying blue chip stocks. Once you have a solid footing and reliable passive income, you can get crazy with micro caps and options. Do all of this only with $’s you can afford to lose.

Kindness pays dividends and Selfishness charges interest. In the long run you win with niceness you lose being a dick. In the short run dicks often seem to get what they want but rarely do their lives end up being fulfilling or their funerals well attended

Careers are important, but if you’ve got Maslow’s basic needs covered, look for purpose or enjoyment in your work rather than how big the salary is. Mentor those below you, one day they may be equal or above you. Work for a charity or someplace that helps other people rather than just making a profit selling useless shit.

Embrace your interests and find people that share them, don’t be worried about if they are “dorky” you like something, others do to, the internet is really good for this ala Sherdog. None of my friends still follow MMA yet I get to spend quality time with all of you here.

Write mma Haiku's it is so fucking zen!

I would love for other old guys to kick in their thoughts so these crazy younglings can learn from our mistakes.
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Great advice from someone who has obviously seen, and lived, life.

Surround yourself with good people as often as possible.

Have as much patience with yourself as you do with others.

Be as humble in winning as gracious in defeat.

Don't expect more than than you contribute from life.
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Burn as few bridges as possible

Don't stay in bad relationships. A good relationship can make your life better or complete, a bad one can ruin your life so slowly you don't even realize it's happening.

Continue to do something athletic to stay healthy and fit like running, training, lifting, pickup ball etc. You're allowed to hate it at times or take small breaks, but you're not allowed to quit entirely

Take a second to think before you speak, especially when frustrated or mad. Some words you can't take back and will never be forgotten.
Burn as few bridges as possible

Don't stay in bad relationships. A good relationship can make your life better or complete, a bad one can ruin your life so slowly you don't even realize it's happening.

Continue to do something athletic to stay healthy and fit like running, training, lifting, pickup ball etc. You're allowed to hate it at times or take small breaks, but you're not allowed to quit entirely

Take a second to think before you speak, especially when frustrated or mad. Some words you can't take back and will never be forgotten.

if you keep moving death has a harder time catching your ass with that big sickle reaper thingy he carries
take a second before you post shit too

I'd add if all your friends hate your girlfriend, think about why that might be and take a good long breathe and think before you make her your wife

People like to tell you what they are but over time they always show you who they are.
Don't get stressed about shit you can't control. Don't focus on money alone but manage your finances without credits and on long term.
Stay in physical and mental health. Eat good, read good books written by real people, keep an open heart, if someone tells you something, don't cloud yourself with unhealthy overinterpretations, actions will clarify anyway.
Have a pocket knife at any time.
Fuck a lot but not everything you can, your energy is precious so don't waste it away just to stick your dick in wet.
Choose a living that is challenging but fun, be open to growth and learn.
Don't be afraid to loose, losing is the best way to learn and improve.
Don't be afraid of peoples judgement, you will be judged anyways no matter what you do.
Live life and be free.
Never be petty.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Don’t hold a grudge.
Never be petty.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Don’t hold a grudge.
gotta disagree with the don't hold a grudge... i hold grudges near and dear to my heart when those grudges have been earned...also disagree with anyone who says never burn a bridge....a nice warm bridgefire is an excellent thing to sit and warm your grudge over.

gotta disagree with the don't hold a grudge... i hold grudges near and dear to my heart when those grudges have been earned...also disagree with anyone who says never burn a bridge....a nice warm bridgefire is an excellent thing to sit and warm your grudge over.

Grudges are like acid and they eat at you over time. I’d rather move on but that’s just me.
Don't get stressed about shit you can't control. Don't focus on money alone but manage your finances without credits and on long term.
Stay in physical and mental health. Eat good, read good books written by real people, keep an open heart, if someone tells you something, don't cloud yourself with unhealthy overinterpretations, actions will clarify anyway.
Have a pocket knife at any time.
Fuck a lot but not everything you can, your energy is precious so don't waste it away just to stick your dick in wet.
Choose a living that is challenging but fun, be open to growth and learn.
Don't be afraid to loose, losing is the best way to learn and improve.
Don't be afraid of peoples judgement, you will be judged anyways no matter what you do.
Live life and be free.

The stay away from credit and debts thing is mega truth. you can't be free if you have debts.

Most people won't judge you because most people don't notice you. i used to not go to a movie alone because I felt like people would be look at that loser, then I had to travel for business, now I get pissed when I go to a movie with someone and they want to talk.

I'm gonna share my friend's wisdom about women.

He said, "you always have to have "half a sandwich in the fridge" what this meant is you don't cheat on your current girl by banging the next one willing to drop her panties, you keep that one ready for the next time you need one, like you'd keep half a sandwich in the fridge for the next time you don't want to bother cooking. i found this brilliant.. similar to the old bull story in the movies colors....but slightly different
you're Irish right? Family line comes from County Cork. We clannish pale folk like to wrap a nice warm grudge around us as we try to stay warm around the burning peat.
And the fire of hate burns in our hearts.
And the fire of hate burns in our hearts.
We like our songs sad and our wars joyous.............

more advice...Don't believe in stereotypes, sample other culture's food and traditions there is a reason they love them and you might just too. People don't remember you for the things you don't do, so do shit with them...find weird shit to do when you take a woman or man on your first date..any schmuck can take her to the movies and diner, she'll remember you if you take her to six flags or to ride a mechanical bull. the date may suck but you will have ridden a bunch of fun shit either way.
The stay away from credit and debts thing is mega truth. you can't be free if you have debts.

Most people won't judge you because most people don't notice you. i used to not go to a movie alone because I felt like people would be look at that loser, then I had to travel for business, now I get pissed when I go to a movie with someone and they want to talk.

I'm gonna share my friend's wisdom about women.

He said, "you always have to have "half a sandwich in the fridge" what this meant is you don't cheat on your current girl by banging the next one willing to drop her panties, you keep that one ready for the next time you need one, like you'd keep half a sandwich in the fridge for the next time you don't want to bother cooking. i found this brilliant.. similar to the old bull story in the movies colors....but slightly different
Debt is such a pain on your psyche, it'll be there overshadowing every step you take nagging on you constantly.

And yap, it's always handy to have some willing side girls on the line if you're down on hunger.
I have that saying that even if you have the best gourmet meal at home, time will come where you'll still desire for that shitty kebab. And that's fine, just don't make that your regular.

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