Old Bas Rutten street self-defense video. Best I've ever seen. (NOT the funny one. The real one)

To me it looks just like Combat Sambo
VERY IRONIC, that so many of the hand and joint locks Bas shows in this video are aikido techniques...as we all know, Joe Rogan and Bas absolutely insult the hell out of aikido on Joe's show, mainly as a way of insulting Stevan Seagall, (who deserves insulting)....but it just goes to show you that aikido joint holds and hand/wrist locks have a place in MMA... I quit aikido after only 2 belt advancements because of lack of serious sparring but I actually used a white belt aikido technique in a real life situation when someone grabbed the front of my shirt in a bar.
Joes hatred of aikido is ridiculous. I studied a bit of aikido, and have known some high level aikido guys and they were no joke. Just because something won't work in the octagon, doesn't invalidate the whole art.