Official Judo Thread

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sure man. give me a few days. did you need to tape jams, your fingertips, or your thumb?

Jams for finger tips (Distal Joint) and middle joints and Pinky!

Thumb joint

Big toe joint and the pinky toe joint
(hopefully the middle toes are the same concept as fingers)

Thanks! Hopefully others Judokas/Grapplers can refer to your video on youtube.
Jams for finger tips (Distal Joint) and middle joints and Pinky!

Thumb joint

Big toe joint and the pinky toe joint
(hopefully the middle toes are the same concept as fingers)

Thanks! Hopefully others Judokas/Grapplers can refer to your video on youtube.

taping your little toes is like ACE wrapping your ankle. it's there to make you feel better, that's about it. which big toe taping do you want? anti-turf toe taping or 'this goes here until my toenail grows back' taping?

Thumb taping (you don't need pre-wrap but you do need a wrist anchor)

Turf toe taping

i'll see if i can't get vids up of how i tape my distal/fingertips for practice, and how i tape jams. i'm no kinesiologist, but i'm a former future medical professional. a lot of jam taping puts it in extension and i'm not really a fan of grappling with my fingers in that position. buddy taping works well enough, but i overdo it a bit to compensate for the sweating and gripping that comes with practice.
Hmm about the toe... You know ever since i been in Judo, my toes been messed up due to it jamming into the tatami or it some how gets stuck in the someone's gi. So i'm not sure which it would be.

Any who,
I'll let you decide which one since you are the future medical pro. :)
Hmm about the toe... You know ever since i been in Judo, my toes been messed up due to it jamming into the tatami or it some how gets stuck in the someone's gi. So i'm not sure which it would be.

Any who,
I'll let you decide which one since you are the future medical pro. :)

former. Hilary's the forum physician, i'm just the guy that wasted 7 semester of college chasing someone else's dream :icon_chee

however, if you ever need advice on flipping houses, i'm your guy.
How do you know when you're doing Judo again?

Your toes hurt, it was the big one today.
How do you know when you're doing Judo again?

Your toes hurt, it was the big one today.

Are you talking about my toes? I keep going man! Soldier!!
I rolled with a BJJ guy (very strong dude, super strong leg presses, squat super heavy and HUGE benching power) today, tapped him 2;1 (tapped to a americana, couldn't get out, he's too strong haha). I guess my judo training made me super good with arm bars and gi chokes. Before i couldn't tap him, i felt proud! :)
Finished my 1st university judo season (started in the fall as white belt, had some BJJ xp.). I got tested for promotion, no results yet; going to local club now.

Had some bad sprains on my fingers (middle, and now ring), some rib bruising, right foot sprain (defending ashi-waza), major shin bruising from doing hiza-gurumas and ashi-waza (took a couple of months to heal), otherwise was fine.

I was 66kg player, but most of the time I competed at 73 and 81 due to lack of other 66kg guys. Lost bunch, but also got a couple of ippon throws and couple of osaekomi wins.
Finished my 1st university judo season (started in the fall as white belt, had some BJJ xp.). I got tested for promotion, no results yet; going to local club now.

Had some bad sprains on my fingers (middle, and now ring), some rib bruising, right foot sprain (defending ashi-waza), major shin bruising from doing hiza-gurumas and ashi-waza (took a couple of months to heal), otherwise was fine.

I was 66kg player, but most of the time I competed at 73 and 81 due to lack of other 66kg guys. Lost bunch, but also got a couple of ippon throws and couple of osaekomi wins.

Judo aint no joke on the body fo sho!
I got some bruised from ashi waza too! ahaha
Judo aint no joke on the body fo sho!
I got some bruised from ashi waza too! ahaha

I hate doing randori/shiai with lower kyu grades who just hack at your legs in poor attempts at ashi waza. I know everyone starts out that way but it sucks waking up with bruises all over your legs the next day.
had my first session of randorri the other day, was a bit of an eye opener to say the least. i spent the best part of an hour being repeatedly thrown to the floor and flailing about, attempting, and failing, to throw my partners.

felt a bit battered and bruised the next day, i now understand all the breakfall practice. was hell of a lot of fun though, can't wait for next time. :icon_chee
had my first session of randorri the other day, was a bit of an eye opener to say the least. i spent the best part of an hour being repeatedly thrown to the floor and flailing about, attempting, and failing, to throw my partners.

felt a bit battered and bruised the next day, i now understand all the breakfall practice. was hell of a lot of fun though, can't wait for next time. :icon_chee

Ah, welcome to the journey of a very very wonderful ride! It gets much more fun once you learn and start getting some techniques. Try to not resist, and not be afraid of taking falls. Think about why you were able to be thrown - were you off balance, what could you have done differently? How could you have taken advantage of your opponent before it was too late? And do not be shy of asking your partner to explain what or how they did what they did.

Seems like you have the correct attitude already - try not to get upset or emotional with this, and let your body and mind learn as you continue practice.
wait till you do ashi waza. bruised shins ! it's almost like muay thai lmao.


Alright guys, we might find out the real japanese name for the omoplata.
As i am not japanese and only know the words such as goshi and gari or gatame, do not understand what the japanese guy is saying. help! haha

EDIT; I hear "ude hishigi me"? but it doesn't really makes sense... o-o

EDIT2; still watching these kosen videos, really makes me think "hmm maybe the gracies watched this" lmao.
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Alright guys, we might find out the real japanese name for the omoplata.
As i am not japanese and only know the words such as goshi and gari or gatame, do not understand what the japanese guy is saying. help! haha

EDIT; I hear "ude hishigi me"? but it doesn't really makes sense... o-o

EDIT2; still watching these kosen videos, really makes me think "hmm maybe the gracies watched this" lmao.

I hear "Tai gatame ude hishigi" A very rough translation is body hold armlock.
Don't know what it says in the video but according to a book I have it's called ashi-sankaku-gatame.
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