Off leash dogs and their stupid owners

Jack Reacheround

Titanium Belt
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
What is going on these days?
My wife and I were taking our cairn terrier puppy for a walk last night. When we got to the end of our street, one of my neighbors was talking with some lady. He had his dog off leash, a big golden retriever. As soon as it saw my dog, it attacked. My wife grabbed our puppy and I ran between them and the dog while I tried to get my knife out, which I had bought because this is such a fucking problem these days.

I was able to back the dog off without having to stab it fortunately, and the owner just casually walked up, grabbed the dog, and continued his conversation with some lady. He didn't say sorry or anything. He just acted as if this always happens and it's no big deal. Now, this is not the first time I have seen this dog being aggressive. We were walking the puppy a few weeks ago and he had the dog on leash as it snarled and growled. He said, "oh, he's friendly."

What the fuck is wrong with people) just because your dog doesn't routinely attack you, doesn't mean it is friendly. I don't think that guy realizes how close I came to cutting his dog open. And this shit is a daily occurrence for us. People always say their dog is friendly when it clearly isn't. If it were legal, I would stab them all t Dean and fix new homes for their dogs.
I feel ya.

Owners here are constantly letting their dogs Jump on people. Walk up to you when your eating outside, and just being dicks about their dogs.

Not everyone wants your disgusting dog near or on them. Respect of others space is not important to them.
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Should've punted that stupid dog in the balls then touched the owner with the jab
My wife and I have faced the same problem. Our dog has been attacked multiple times by off-leash beasts. The worst incident was when a big dog that was off-leash charged over and attacked our dog. I kicked the shit out of that bastard until it ran away, then I freaked out at the owner. She responded with, "I didn't attack your dog." I told the bitch that if she cannot control her fucking dog, then it should not be off leash.

Most dog owners are pathetic shitheads.
My wife and I have faced the same problem. Our dog has been attacked multiple times by off-leash beasts. The worst incident was when a big dog that was off-leash charged over and attacked our dog. I kicked the shit out of that bastard until it ran away, then I freaked out at the owner. She responded with, "I didn't attack your dog." I told the bitch that if she cannot control her fucking dog, then it should not be off leash.

Most dog owners are pathetic shitheads.

Yeah, this guy is a total fucking tool. What a bitch you must be not even to take responsibility for when your pet does that. I have a problem hurting animals, but I will do it. I do not, however, have the same problem hurting people. They know they're being assholes. Animals don't. So basically, if that guy's dog even looks at me wrong tonight, it gets stabbed and its owner will be put in a coma. Because once I KO that fucking bald, Michael Chiklis wannabe looking bitch, I'm not stopping until his head is caved in.
I've had this issue lately as well. My roommate has a dog and I regularly take it for walks as she apparently would rather do other stuff. Anyway, lots of white trash people around who just let their dogs run free. Shit bags.
What is going on these days?
My wife and I were taking our cairn terrier puppy for a walk last night. When we got to the end of our street, one of my neighbors was talking with some lady. He had his dog off leash, a big golden retriever. As soon as it saw my dog, it attacked. My wife grabbed our puppy and I ran between them and the dog while I tried to get my knife out, which I had bought because this is such a fucking problem these days.

I was able to back the dog off without having to stab it fortunately, and the owner just casually walked up, grabbed the dog, and continued his conversation with some lady. He didn't say sorry or anything. He just acted as if this always happens and it's no big deal. Now, this is not the first time I have seen this dog being aggressive. We were walking the puppy a few weeks ago and he had the dog on leash as it snarled and growled. He said, "oh, he's friendly."

What the fuck is wrong with people) just because your dog doesn't routinely attack you, doesn't mean it is friendly. I don't think that guy realizes how close I came to cutting his dog open. And this shit is a daily occurrence for us. People always say their dog is friendly when it clearly isn't. If it were legal, I would stab them all t Dean and fix new homes for their dogs.
What's it like being pissed off 24/7?

Sounds exhausting.
I've had this issue lately as well. My roommate has a dog and I regularly take it for walks as she apparently would rather do other stuff. Anyway, lots of white trash people around who just let their dogs run free. Shit bags.

You should start rounding up these unleashed dogs and sell them to Banchan. You could probably make some serious coin
I love dogs, but I hate people who make their problems into my problems. If your dog is off-leash and it attacks my dog or me, your dog dies right then and there.
This is one my points everytime we have a pitbull discussion in this forum. Stupid owners who cannot control their dogs letting it off leash to run around temporarily unsupervised. These are usually the types of people who arr involved in these dumb ass attacks. If a dog attacks it's time to put it down, however, the owner should get a huge fine for being a fucking moron.
I rarely put my dog on a leash. But she's a 35lb 8yr old beagle/lab mix. She's not aggressive & stays on my heels. She always listens.

I do hate when people don't leash their dogs though. Mainly big dogs that have a history of being aggressive. My dog got attacked by 2 unleashed pitbulls once. Luckily it happened the second she jumped out of truck, so she ran under the truck & they couldn't get to her
My brother has 2 rots and he trained them unleashed. They are good dogs and don't attack anything. I have a labradoodle that is unleashed and leashed trained.

I have seen more fights by leashed dogs meeting then unleashed dogs. Maybe you guys panic and make the dogs defensive. I have seen this numerous times.

However owners need to know their dogs.
I love dogs, but I hate people who make their problems into my problems. If your dog is off-leash and it attacks my dog or me, your dog dies right then and there.

Agree. I also have seen more dog fights leashed then unleashed. It makes the dogs restricted and more aggressive usually.

I hate dog parks where they are all unleashed and running and having fun, but that one owner who leashed there dog. Then she gets pissed when dogs come close.
Obviously someone I owned in a political thread who is still salty about it. So I don't know, you tell me.
It's adorable how you believe everyone should remember every interaction they've had with you.
My brother has 2 rots and he trained them unleashed. They are good dogs and don't attack anything. I have a labradoodle that is unleashed and leashed trained.

I have seen more fights by leashed dogs meeting then unleashed dogs. Maybe you guys panic and make the dogs defensive. I have seen this numerous times.

However owners need to know their dogs.
Yeah, that's it. You sound like the exact type of person everyone is talking about. I'm willing to bet your pits are not that well trained and you just think they are. Put them on a fucking leash. Anything can set a pit off, even if it hasn't happened before. Jesus Christ.
It's adorable how you believe everyone should remember every interaction they've had with you.
But I'm right, aren't I? You got owned, are still salty, and decided to troll this thread. Get over it and contribute something worthwhile.
Had a similar problem. This guy has two Corgi(mix)s and lets them off leash sometimes. They came up on me and my leashed dog and started to go after my dog. I scooped my dog up and held her and the guy kind of laughed, and said "you don't have to do that, they won't really hurt her".

I was incredulous. I have a 75 lb. pit bull and I let him know I was picking my dog up to protect his little varmints. My dog is dog friendly, but she will stand her ground if attacked. I told him next time, I'm not picking my dog up and I won't be paying his vet bills when my dog defends herself.

I think people are just completely self absorbed and oblivious to the fact that they're living in a society.