Off leash dogs and their stupid owners

Perhaps pooping on their front lawn everyday will solve the problem.
What is going on these days?
My wife and I were taking our cairn terrier puppy for a walk last night. When we got to the end of our street, one of my neighbors was talking with some lady. He had his dog off leash, a big golden retriever. As soon as it saw my dog, it attacked. My wife grabbed our puppy and I ran between them and the dog while I tried to get my knife out, which I had bought because this is such a fucking problem these days.

I was able to back the dog off without having to stab it fortunately, and the owner just casually walked up, grabbed the dog, and continued his conversation with some lady. He didn't say sorry or anything. He just acted as if this always happens and it's no big deal. Now, this is not the first time I have seen this dog being aggressive. We were walking the puppy a few weeks ago and he had the dog on leash as it snarled and growled. He said, "oh, he's friendly."

What the fuck is wrong with people) just because your dog doesn't routinely attack you, doesn't mean it is friendly. I don't think that guy realizes how close I came to cutting his dog open. And this shit is a daily occurrence for us. People always say their dog is friendly when it clearly isn't. If it were legal, I would stab them all t Dean and fix new homes for their dogs.

In all fairness, its not fair to the dog to cut it open when the owner is an idiot. The dog is just, well, being a dog. Its the owner who's the fuck up
Some people have no consideration for others.
I live only a few hundred feet from the ocean in a good neighborhood and it's mid spring, there's a lot of dog walkers all the time, so it's difficult to pinpoint the bad owners who let their dogs take a crap on one's lawn and at the very least don't even have the decency to pick it up (not that they should be letting a dog do that on someone else's lawn in the first place, there's public land places for that sort of thing). I've had to douse the edges of my lawn in cayenne pepper or lemon/lime juice to at least repel the dogs (not their fault, but it's more difficult to repel the owners and the dogs should get the scent well ahead of time before they reach my property).
next time pepper spray the owner
....... I've had to douse the edges of my lawn in cayenne pepper or lemon/lime juice to at least repel the dogs (not their fault, but it's more difficult to repel the owners and the dogs should get the scent well ahead of time before they reach my property).

Animals are much more sensitive to pepper compared to humans and they will smell it some ways away. Pepper spray would be like napalm to a cat or dog.
their was this bandogge that was treated as an off leash dog by the owners but every once in a while the dog would attack random people and bite them, drawing blood. No one ever sued them and the owners of the dog continue to never leash the dog ever.
if the dog is a nuisance and the owner doesn't do anything about it. threaten to call animal control and if u do call just bs to them about the owner not being responsible by letting her vicious dog roam about the neighborhood causing trouble.
Growling and snarling while running full speed at my dog is what I would say is aggressive. That is what the dog did. I thought it was going to bite my nuts off when I intervened.
u did the right thing . dont listen to these idiots. not all dogs are friendly and even if they are it's up to the owner to HAVE THEM LEASHED AT ALL TIMES especially if they're big dogs capable of ripping your throat apart. you can only use your knife if the dog bites you first. if the cops or animal control show up with the dog being stabbed to death or wounded by you without you getting bitten, you'll most likely go to jail and would end up having to hire a lawyer. it becomes a big mess.
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u did the right thing . dont listen to these idiots. not all dogs are friendly and even if they are it's up to the owner to HAVE THEM LEASHED AT ALL TIMES especially if they're big dogs capable of ripping your throat apart. you can only use your knife if the dog bites you first. if the cops or animal control show up with the dog being stabbed to death or wounded by you without you getting bitten, you'll most likely go to jail and would end up having to hire a lawyer. it becomes a big mess.

I realize that. And with a retriever, I probably would wait until it bites me. Not a pit bull or Rottweiler though. If I have to go to court, then fine. My whole family is lawyers.

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