Elections Nikki Haley confused about cause of the civil war

And let's call "Birtherism" what it really is, putting forth the notion that the first and only black President in the Nation's History couldn't possibly be a "real American."

Right. And then to follow that up with saying Obama created the divide in the country. His very existence and becoming president, divided the country! I had a completely different view when it happened, I figured that our country was finally making some strides towards being better in spite of our past. Naive, I know, but I was optimistic when he won.
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Christie, during a town hall in New Hampshire on Thursday night, told the audience that Haley isn't "racist" or "dumb" but the reason why she gave that response is "just as bad if not worse" and should warrant concern about her candidacy.

"She did it because she's unwilling to offend anyone by telling the truth," he offered.

“If she is unwilling to stand up and say that slavery is what caused the Civil War, because she's afraid of offending constituents in some other part of the country, if she's afraid to say that Donald Trump is unfit because she's afraid of offending people who support Donald Trump ... What's going to happen when she has to stand up to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and President Xi in China?"

Haley goes soft on Trump because she wants the MAGA vote or a possible V.P. slot if Trump gets the non.

Haley refused to say Slavery was the cause of the Civil War because she doesn't want to upset the White supremacists. And seeing as how she doesn't, that tells you just how ingrained and popular White supremacy is with the GOP base. Not surprising; since Trump rode the racist birther theory to the white house.

"What's in the best interest of the country is not letting an 80-year-old man sitting in jail" I wonder how many 80-year-olds Nikki pardoned while governor of South Carolina.
And let's call "Birtherism" what it really is, putting forth the notion that the first and only black President in the Nation's History couldn't possibly be a "real American."
For a lot of rightwing Americans being American = being White. This was the normal thinking decades ago. These folks could never accept a Black guy as a 'real' American, but since America of the 2000s is not the America of the 1950s they could not say this out loud. So in Birtherism they found of saying this without overtly admitting they are racist.

The Founding Fathers also never considered non-Whites to be Americans. So these rightwing Americans do have tradition on their side.
"What's in the best interest of the country is not letting an 80-year-old man sitting in jail" I wonder how many 80-year-olds Nikki pardoned while governor of South Carolina.
Good Point !

Wish someone would ask her that in her next town hall.
"What's in the best interest of the country is not letting an 80-year-old man sitting in jail" I wonder how many 80-year-olds Nikki pardoned while governor of South Carolina.
If Trump is too infirm to sit in solitary all day long, then he definitely shouldn't be in the oval office.
Pretending that the conservative voting base needs their candidate to pretend that slavery wasn't connected to the civil war is downright ridiculous. I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff. Has a right winger on this board ever said that they would not vote for a candidate who says that slavery was the cause? I can't think of a single instance of this yet you guys sure are circle jerking on the fantasy of it.
So explain why Haley refused to say "Slavery".
You are ignoring that there is a segment of the right that insists the Civil War was not about slavery, it was about States Rights and the North was the aggressor. "The war of northern aggression" is not a term the left created.
So explain why Haley refused to say "Slavery".
You are ignoring that there is a segment of the right that insists the Civil War was not about slavery, it was about States Rights and the North was the aggressor. "The war of northern aggression" is not a term the left created.

I have no clue. If people are attempting to say that the good guys up north recognized that slavery was bad and wanted to free the slaves from the bad guys down south, that's not accurate either. If someone randomly tried to ask me that question, I wouldn't have an accurate answer for it either without googling it first. As a politician, you don't want to come out and say something that's outright incorrect so how do we know she wasn't just attempting to give some generic political babble because she didn't know the answer? I don't even like the woman at all but politicians give similar non answer word salads like she gave all the time when they don't know or have a good answer.

I'm sure there's some deep backwoods rednecks that are still all about the confederacy but that's not anything more than a minute percentage of the conservative voting base. Do we even have a single poster here that has claimed the civil war wasn't about slavery at all and that it was merely the north being aggressors?
I have no clue. If people are attempting to say that the good guys up north recognized that slavery was bad and wanted to free the slaves from the bad guys down south, that's not accurate either. If someone randomly tried to ask me that question, I wouldn't have an accurate answer for it either without googling it first. As a politician, you don't want to come out and say something that's outright incorrect so how do we know she wasn't just attempting to give some generic political babble because she didn't know the answer? I don't even like the woman at all but politicians give similar non answer word salads like she gave all the time when they don't know or have a good answer.

I'm sure there's some deep backwoods rednecks that are still all about the confederacy but that's not anything more than a minute percentage of the conservative voting base. Do we even have a single poster here that has claimed the civil war wasn't about slavery at all and that it was merely the north being aggressors?
You don't need google to know what the cause of the Civil War was about. It is the easiest answer and question anyone could ask her.
I have no clue. If people are attempting to say that the good guys up north recognized that slavery was bad and wanted to free the slaves from the bad guys down south, that's not accurate either. If someone randomly tried to ask me that question, I wouldn't have an accurate answer for it either without googling it first. As a politician, you don't want to come out and say something that's outright incorrect so how do we know she wasn't just attempting to give some generic political babble because she didn't know the answer? I don't even like the woman at all but politicians give similar non answer word salads like she gave all the time when they don't know or have a good answer.

I'm sure there's some deep backwoods rednecks that are still all about the confederacy but that's not anything more than a minute percentage of the conservative voting base. Do we even have a single poster here that has claimed the civil war wasn't about slavery at all and that it was merely the north being aggressors?

The answer is simple, everyone should know it. The answer is slavery. The US Government recognized that the US could not progress and modernize, nor freely trade with Europe without first preventing the expansion of slavery into the West, ultimately ending slavery, and beginning to guarantee some modicum of civil liberties to black Americans. Southern slave States found these notions so reprehensible they tried to form an entirely different Country, and immediately declared War on the United States. This is not complicated. Its not controversial. They proudly declared it. Black people were property, were inferior, and were meant to be slaves. More than one State's Article of Confederation even asserted that GOD deemed this so.

The level of either ignorance, or willful avoidance displayed by Nikki Haley here is comically absurd, so egregious even Trump could avoid it. He'd have at least said some slick sh*t like "Yes the Civil War, very bad, very unfortunate. A lot of people say the it was caused by slavery, and some think it was State's rights! Everyone should have rights, rights are the oranges...the oranges...you know the beginning of all the freedoms!"

He or his handlers would have made sure no one could say he didnt mention slavery. Haley is just a racist or a coward, or both.
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The answer is simple, everyone should know it. The answer is slavery. The US Government recognized that the US could not progress and modernize, nor freely trade with Europe without first preventing the expansion of slavery into the West, ultimately ending slavery, and beginning to guarantee some modicum of civil liberties to black Americans. Southern slave States found these notions so reprehensible they tried to form an entirely different Country, and immediately declared War on the United States. This is not complicated. Its not controversial. They proudly declared it. Black people were property, were inferior, and were meant to be slaves. More than one State's Article of Confederation even asserted that GOD deemed this so.

The level of either ignorance, or willful avoidance displayed by Nikki Haley here is comically absurd so egregious even Trump could avoid it. He'd have at least said some slick sh*t like "Yes the Civil War, very bad, very unfortunate. A lot of people say the it was caused by slavery, and some think it was State's rights! Everyone should have rights, rights are the oranges...the oranges...you know the beginning of all the freedoms!"

He or his handlers would have made sure no one could say he didnt mention slavery. Haley is just a racist or a coward, or both.

It's not ignorance, it's a calculated answer to not piss off Southern MAGA voters. As Christie said she isn't dumb.
It's not ignorance, it's a calculated answer to not piss off Southern MAGA voters. As Christie said she isn't dumb.

I dont wholly discount that there might actually be some political candidates who ascended to power without actually being educated on basic US civics. I mean we have a SCOTUS Justice with a law degree who literally couldnt cite the 5 protections of the 1st Amendment.
It's comical how easily the Democrats rile their base with these race-baiting dogwhistles. When I was younger typically only the Republicans fell danced on command. Now I think the Democrats are easier to manipulate.
So explain why Haley refused to say "Slavery".
You are ignoring that there is a segment of the right that insists the Civil War was not about slavery, it was about States Rights and the North was the aggressor. "The war of northern aggression" is not a term the left created.
she should have said slavery to make it clear and if there are people out there that legit do not think slavery was a primary cause of the civil war then they are idiots. With that said, State rights and slavery are not mutually exclusive. The 13 colonies were founded with the right to allow slavery and the north decided they were no longer going to allow it so south carolina viewed that as federal government overstepping their rights as a state. And then the north sent military to south carolina when south carolina decided to secede. In fact it was this military aggression and the call from the north for citizens to take up arms against south carolina that led the rest of the southern states to join in. You could be on the right side of history and the morally correct party and still be the aggressor who took away the rights of the individual state. Lincoln said at his inaugural state of the union address that while he preferred peace, maintaining a unified nation, even at the expense of human life, was his goal.
It's comical how easily the Democrats rile their base with these race-baiting dogwhistles. When I was younger typically only the Republicans fell danced on command. Now I think the Democrats are easier to manipulate.
Why are you posting without responding to any of the criticism towards the stupid shit you said earlier? I want to see you defend your talking point that the media's...sorry, random voter questions are too hard on politicians and we should protect them from having to answer easy questions. Make that case.
- A sherdogger that wants to stay anonimous, told me that he reads Nina Hartley every-time this threads pops up!:eek:
Why are you posting without responding to any of the criticism towards the stupid shit you said earlier? I want to see you defend your talking point that the media's...sorry, random voter questions are too hard on politicians and we should protect them from having to answer easy questions. Make that case.
I already did.

Why are you still acting outraged when Haley gave you the explicit answer that you demanded be verbalized? Feel cheated out of the opportunity to perform?
It's comical how easily the Democrats rile their base with these race-baiting dogwhistles. When I was younger typically only the Republicans fell danced on command. Now I think the Democrats are easier to manipulate.

Accusations of political parties using racial dog whistles to manipulate public opinion are not unique to Democrats; both major political parties have faced such criticism at different times. However, if you're specifically concerned about Democrats and allegations of racial dog whistling, you might point to instances where critics argue that certain messaging or policies contain subtle appeals to racial biases or fears.

For example, some critics have pointed to Democrats' use of certain terms or phrases that, they argue, may carry racial undertones and appeal to specific demographics. It's crucial to approach such claims with a careful analysis of context and intent. Accusations of racial dog whistling often hinge on interpreting subtle cues or implied meanings, and reasonable people may disagree on the interpretation of specific instances.

To foster a productive dialogue, it's essential to engage in open discussions, encourage transparency, and promote media literacy. By critically evaluating political messaging and policies, citizens can better understand the nuances of political communication and hold leaders accountable for their words and actions. Keep in mind that discussions about racial dog whistling can be sensitive, and it's important to approach them with empathy and a commitment to fostering understanding.
Accusations of political parties using racial dog whistles to manipulate public opinion are not unique to Democrats; both major political parties have faced such criticism at different times. However, if you're specifically concerned about Democrats and allegations of racial dog whistling, you might point to instances where critics argue that certain messaging or policies contain subtle appeals to racial biases or fears.

For example, some critics have pointed to Democrats' use of certain terms or phrases that, they argue, may carry racial undertones and appeal to specific demographics. It's crucial to approach such claims with a careful analysis of context and intent. Accusations of racial dog whistling often hinge on interpreting subtle cues or implied meanings, and reasonable people may disagree on the interpretation of specific instances.

To foster a productive dialogue, it's essential to engage in open discussions, encourage transparency, and promote media literacy. By critically evaluating political messaging and policies, citizens can better understand the nuances of political communication and hold leaders accountable for their words and actions. Keep in mind that discussions about racial dog whistling can be sensitive, and it's important to approach them with empathy and a commitment to fostering understanding.

Appears to have been written a real, live human.