Nick Diaz is Always Partying

I'm glad that his years of hard work have paid off and that he's able to enjoy himself now, but he's nothing like the guy he used to be.

If you were a fan of him in the early days, it's pretty much impossible to think about him the same way.
He didn't get to party when he was younger cause he was too busy training.
Read my post carefully you stupid sob. He wasnt fighting. He was cornering some Bum at the event in an in cage boxing event. He wasnt doing shit. He just had that hes too cool attitude.
Pretty sure the stupid bitch would be the guy still mad years later at Nick Diaz for not talking to him.
Ronda got him into partying. Now they are both DNB.
The worst thing is how true this is. Ronda and both Diaz bros are the more likely to do nothing and live on top of a ever decreasing huge pile of money.

All DNB.
big fish in a stagnant pond
The Bay Area is a stagnate pond?


I mean

But I didn't just say Stockton did I?

you didn't say bay area before my first post in here
i would be surprised if he was a big deal across the WHOLE bay area, i mean you have to be gay to be a big deal in san franscisco or at least be in cahootz with the rice a roni peeps.
you didn't say bay area before my first post in here
i would be surprised if he was a big deal across the WHOLE bay area, i mean you have to be gay to be a big deal in san franscisco or at least be in cahootz with the rice a roni peeps.
That was my original quote that you responded to
you didn't say bay area before my first post in here
i would be surprised if he was a big deal across the WHOLE bay area, i mean you have to be gay to be a big deal in san franscisco or at least be in cahootz with the rice a roni peeps.
I hope you are trolling
But I didn't just say Stockton did I?

No, you said Stockton Bay Area. There is no Stockton Bay, so it is a bit confusing.

Stockton is not part of the SF Bay Area. It is a farming community at the far end of the San Joaquin River, about 75 miles from SF. That's similar to Los Angeles to Temecula. No one would ever say the Temecula/LA Area.

I've lived in SF and have a lot of friends who still live and work in the area. No one thinks of Stockton as part of the Bay Area. None of the people I know there are MMA fans. None of them have any idea who Nick Diaz is.
here it is

You said LOCALLY, which I assumed to mean to be in Nick's town of stockton or the one he reps anyway, without you providing more info I think this was a fair enough assumption.
Ok fair enough I said it in a response to that just a couple comments down.
No, you said Stockton Bay Area. There is no Stockton Bay, so it is a bit confusing.

Stockton is not part of the SF Bay Area. It is a farming community at the far end of the San Joaquin River, about 75 miles from SF. That's similar to Los Angeles to Temecula. No one would ever say the Temecula/LA Area.

I've lived in SF and have a lot of friends who still live and work in the area. No one thinks of Stockton as part of the Bay Area. None of the people I know there are MMA fans. None of them have any idea who Nick Diaz is.
Jesus you spent a lot of energy telling me what I know. I live here. They are not the same but he is popular in both areas - you can make it to Stockton in an hour. ya know?
Jesus you spent a lot of energy telling me what I know. I live here. They are not the same but he is popular in both areas - you can make it to Stockton in an hour. ya know?

No, you can't make it in an hour. I've done that drive many times. Hell, at rush hour it is closer to 2 hours.

Dick Niaz is not popular in the Bay Area. People who don't follow MMA have never heard of him. That's 99% of people there. They have heard of Honda, maybe even CMG, but Diaz? Nope.

Hell, Nick isn't even from Stockton. He lives in Lodi.
No, you can't make it in an hour. I've done that drive many times. Hell, at rush hour it is closer to 2 hours.

Dick Niaz is not popular in the Bay Area. People who don't follow MMA have never heard of him. That's 99% of people there. They have heard of Honda, maybe even CMG, but Diaz? Nope.

Hell, Nick isn't even from Stockton. He lives in Lodi.
You're quite invested in this but I disagree.

Have a nice day

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