My Dental office Receptionist hates me.

Fuck these fat chick who get to misplace their anger b/c they are at work and they gwt to tell everyone that a guy is an asshole if he doesn't like them
Complain to the dentist and get the dumb bitch fired.
So I have a really good Dentist that is very ethical and doesn't make up BS and lies about work needed. It took along time to find an honest dentist as most are crooks and charge for BS that you don't need. The problem I'm having is with the Receptionist that hates me. About 2 years she messed up a 2 hour block appointment I had made and claimed I only asked for one hour. Ever since this incident she has been trying to screw me over. She told me I had to wait wait 18 months for any services (cavities, crowns, oral surgery etc..) when I contacted my insurance company they told me this was incorrect and I only needed to wait 6 months. She lies to the dentist about imaginary appointments I missed and more. What should I do? I love the dentist but this old fat lady has it out for me I feel.
Give her a box of Krispy Kreme donuts.
Slightly off topic but how much work were you getting done that needed a two hour time slot?
Fuck these fat chick who get to misplace their anger b/c they are at work and they gwt to tell everyone that a guy is an asshole if he doesn't like them
If you don't act fast, she will find out when your next appointment is, then dip all the dental instruments into the toilet with doo doo in it prior to your arrival.