Mass Effect Andromeda, v2: In a Galaxy far far away..

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I'm not giving DA2 a pass. I'm just saying I enjoyed the story. Beyond that the game wasn't much to talk about.

Fair enough. I liked the story too; like I said, Anders proved to be the most interesting character of the bunch. As a player though, I was just aggravated that the protagonist was so flat.
Mad jealous of you ladies and gents who get to play while I am just sitting here at work in a police cruiser counting down the hours to home time.
Fair enough. I liked the story too; like I said, Anders proved to be the most interesting character of the bunch. As a player though, I was just aggravated that the protagonist was so flat.

There were so many aggravating things about DA2 the protagonist was actually one of the bonuses which I think speaks volumes about how bad the game was. One of the very few games that kept me going based on story a lone. Eve
She doesn't have Sara's grace.

Good god that is awful.
Made it to Eos last night so basically I have gotten through what could essentially be considered the first like half of what I assume is a "soft" tutorial.

Mechanics and such, having fun. Story seems to be decent as I enjoy the slight sense of not REALLY understanding what I am facing as a player. Graphics minus really annoying pop-in in places (examples: go into SAM node to chat with SAM and the console button you have to press to speak with him isn't there and suddenly pops in. A group of 3 engineers popped in right in front of me as I was walking around they Hyperion and in a cutscene a character popped "out" so to speak right after their sentence was done.) is good.

I can't stop laughing at the sprint animation. For some reason to me it looks like a Benny Hill/cartoonist parody of a guy running to the bathroom while trying to keep from shitting themselves. Super upright while sprinting seems weird... even Usain Bolt at least starts out leaned into the run.

Fair enough. I liked the story too; like I said, Anders proved to be the most interesting character of the bunch. As a player though, I was just aggravated that the protagonist was so flat.
I didn't mind DA2 as much as some but Anders pissed me off the most. When you compare his attitude/personality in DA2 to what he was in Awakenings and I don't care if he's possessed it's just too much of a goddamn change.
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Im enjoying the fuck out of this but yea i enjoyed DA2 and DAI. People tend to believe Biowares taken a stepback but imo its just that other game companies have surpassed them.

Basically this game is open world Mass Effect thats unpolished and im fine with that. Their other games are unpolished but linear so its not as glaring.
also first time biotic/tech user. What skills should i be focusing on?
also first time biotic/tech user. What skills should i be focusing on?
Overload and Warp if this game is at all like the others. Overload for the shielded enemies and Warp for use on guys that have armor.

IE, Overload for blue bar enemies and Warp for the yellow ones.

Im enjoying the fuck out of this but yea i enjoyed DA2 and DAI. People tend to believe Biowares taken a stepback but imo its just that other game companies have surpassed them.

Basically this game is open world Mass Effect thats unpolished and im fine with that. Their other games are unpolished but linear so its not as glaring.

I feel like they have taken a bit of a step back in some ways though honestly. The graphics in this game look great until weird shit like the pop in and frame drops during cutscenes happen. I don't remember that happening as much in the other ME games or the DA games.

DA:I when it dropped felt more polished than this does in some ways.
I have to say that the load times really are stellar so far.

People tend to believe Biowares taken a stepback but imo its just that other game companies have surpassed them.

That's definitely part of it. That and for the most part they always follow the same formula.
When they made games I enjoyed, I liked them, and when they consistently started making games I didn't, I stopped liking them.

If you guys liked it, that's cool. It was terrible single player MMO bullshit to me though, and that's not what it was advertised as. The game had all the undesirable qualities of a MMO grind without any of the benefit of being multiplayer.

Also, if you call Dragon Age 2 'okay', well, we have nothing to talk about. They went from having a game based around your decisions shaping your character and RPG, to just being a hack'n'slash where you were Hawk; or she-Hawk - a person with the depth of a shallow puddle.

Theyve made like 15 games. Because you didn't like 2 of them, you still want to complain about it years later? Jesus, cry much?

DA 2 was "OK". Nothing special and the reviews reflected that for the most part.
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Overload and Warp if this game is at all like the others. Overload for the shielded enemies and Warp for use on guys that have armor.

IE, Overload for blue bar enemies and Warp for the yellow ones.

I feel like they have taken a bit of a step back in some ways though honestly. The graphics in this game look great until weird shit like the pop in and frame drops during cutscenes happen. I don't remember that happening as much in the other ME games or the DA games.

DA:I when it dropped felt more polished than this does in some ways.

ME1 was glitchy as all hell and thats the only one with close to as much open world content. I cant compare DAI cause i played it on pS3.

Obviously wed all hope that they would of continued to reset the bar like they did with Kotor, DAO, Me1 and 2 but at this point its unlikely.

Whether its the loss of key talent, the acquisition by EA, or just something they were never capable of its hard to say. I still enjoy their games even if they arent on the same level as Horizon or TLOU
Actually, I take back what I said about the gameplay. Just remembered.

FUCK SOFT COVER MECHANICS. It's the ONE thing I fucking hated about ME1 and now it's back. ARGH!
Yea overload and warp don't matter as much in this game. They've made biotics much more useful and have sort of countered that by making battles a lot more chaotic. So you can get from all sides at some points. So in a battle of about 7-8 people maybe 2-3 will be shield/health and the rest will be just all health. On top of that a lot of biotic abilities get +100% armor damage or something similar once they are leveled up enough.

I personally like this change. While I enjoyed the fact that they made the battle harder in 2&3 by not letting Biotic continue to be the gods that they were in ME1. They sort of made biotics useless as well. Well not useless but just made their abilities a lot less worth it.
Actually, I take back what I said about the gameplay. Just remembered.

FUCK SOFT COVER MECHANICS. It's the ONE thing I fucking hated about ME1 and now it's back. ARGH!

Yeah, its annoying, It wouldnt be as bad if it werent for the fact that when I need to peer out to the left, it doenst really work since Im always looking right.
Yeah, its annoying, It wouldnt be as bad if it werent for the fact that when I need to peer out to the left, it doenst really work since Im always looking right.

lol you can change the direction you looking. Right stick push in I think. I laughed at this shit cause I was thinking the same thing when I started. I was like "man I like this new view but I can't look the other way WTF!".
Actually, I do have to add another con now and that's the saving, which is much more restrictive than it was in the previous games. If you're someone that likes to save every 3-5 minutes when you play RPG games, then you're outta luck here.
This has been annoying me.
This has been annoying me.

This is easily my #1 annoyance right now. I had to redo two battles in a monolith just to get to the much much harder battle after that which kept killing me. Normally I'd try a bunch before I gave up but having to redo the battles made me say fuck it and go level up somewhere else.
lol you can change the direction you looking. Right stick push in I think. I laughed at this shit cause I was thinking the same thing when I started. I was like "man I like this new view but I can't look the other way WTF!".

Hmmmm.....I dont use a pad tho. Lemme dig around the key commands.
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