Crime Man in Iowa arrested for destroying the Satanic Christmas display.

I guess. I'd prefer we could just all treat each other decently and respect traditions that are important to others and not use our beliefs as a way to spite others.
You mean like people claiming there's a war on Christmas?
For sure. If I was on that jury I would say what I need to in order to be selected and then vote not guilty no matter the arguments.
Of course you would because you're an upstanding citizen doing his civic duty....
If anything it should be a misdemeanor....Bunch of Illegal cockroaches jumped two officers yesterday and probably will get charged with less than this dude.... Virtue Signaling is replacing actual Justice in 2024.
The problem is that if the roles were reversed and someone did this to a Jesus statue or nativity scene, people would flip out and the person would likely get the book thrown at them which is the exact point 'The Satanic Temple' will prove. But a lot Christians won't care as they see their way/religion superior to all others, thinking it should be front and center and imposed everywhere possible.
The problem is that if the roles were reversed and someone did this to a Jesus statue or nativity scene, people would flip out and the person would likely get the book thrown at them which is the exact point 'The Satanic Temple' will prove. But a lot Christians won't care as they see their way/religion superior to all others, thinking it should be front and center and imposed everywhere possible.

Pretty much. I highly doubt the same posters here claiming he should be let go without charges would be saying the same thing if someone destroyed a Christmas display on public property.

Meanwhile, Obama threads still being made. What is the Obama equivalent to TDS?
Inferiority complex?