Living With Female Roommates

I remember one sherbro had stories about living with a female roommate who he had a giant crush on, but then he'd have to lie in bed listening to random dudes smashing her backdoor in every night. He never got to bang. One of the few sherdog posts that actually brought tears to my eyes
I remember one sherbro had stories about living with a female roommate who he had a giant crush on, but then he'd have to lie in bed listening to random dudes smashing her backdoor in every night. He never got to bang. One of the few sherdog posts that actually brought tears to my eyes

Glad I'm not into her, that could be rough. She told me not to bring hookers over, so that was a bummer.
Nah, she's super neat, and so am I. We're both pretty anal, especially about common areas.

Anyway, the Catfish episode was Solana and Danny. I lived with Solana for a while.

Lol yeah I was right. Go me
This seems like a lot of potential complications to endure, just for the opportunity to be able to sniff her dirty panties when she's not around, so I would say it's not worth it

Also - if you don't start fucking her yourself, you are going to have the pleasure of listening to her getting fucked through your bedroom wall at night.
This seems like a lot of potential complications to endure, just for the opportunity to be able to sniff her dirty panties when she's not around, so I would say it's not worth it

Also - if you don't start fucking her yourself, you are going to have the pleasure of listening to her getting fucked through your bedroom wall at night.

Read the thread, dude. I'm not into her.
You might not bang, but at the very least you'll be going through her laundry and sniffing her panties.

I remember a blonde stripper being on that show. Was it her? Her life seemed messy.

She seemed pretty nice, but she was super neurotic. Partied a lot. A few times, she would just bring random people back to the house, after-party style while me and my other roommate were trying to sleep. Zero consideration when she was drunk/high.
Not really. Not that she isn't attractive, but we've been platonic friends for so long that it's hard for me to even imagine.

I had my best female friend move in with me two summers in a row when she was kinda down on her luck.

We never hooked up or even fooled around. We're both straight, healthy, attractive human beings but we've always been platonic and look at each other like brother/sister.

I've had both male and female roommates and the females were much better as far as being respectful, clean and helpful rooomates. Both times I had dudes live with me I ended up having to kick them out even though we were friends before they moved in.

That's just anecdotal though. I think @Peteyandjia had a great response. Either sex can be good or bad as a roommate, though women tend to be better cooks so that could be a plus.

Be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting to use the bathroom though.
Nah, she's super neat, and so am I. We're both pretty anal, especially about common areas.

Anyway, the Catfish episode was Solana and Danny. I lived with Solana for a while.


That show seems fake as hell.

Was her story fake?
That show seems fake as hell.

Was her story fake?

I actually never talked to her about it. I didn't know she was on the show until after I moved out. I've never even seen the show.
Be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting to use the bathroom though.

That's my only real worry. We both keep similar schedules, and I'm a morning poo kinda guy.
So, Sherbros, another diary entry from yours truly:

A good, close friend of mine was going through turbulence with her piece of shit boyfriend a few months ago, and speculated breaking up with him. I told her, not expecting her to dump him, that I'd move in with her. Well, she dumped him. I'm moving in within the next month, but quite a few people told me it's a bad idea for a guy to live with a woman he's not dating.

Now, in the past, I lived with a stripper (who also happened to be on an episode of Catfish). She wasn't around much and we didn't interact very much at all. But this is different. Sarah is a great friend of mine, and I don't mind helping her out by moving in, but should I expect anything out of the ordinary? We have the same interests and taste in movies. We're both neat and clean people, so I don't imagine either of those things would be an issue.

What say you guys? Is this a bad idea?

If you need more details, feel free to ask.

I think you meant to post this on Penthouse Forum.

There ain't nothing sexy about this story.

LOL well make up some shit!
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I actually never talked to her about it. I didn't know she was on the show until after I moved out. I've never even seen the show.
Well fuck....that's anticlimactic.
Shes just been through a bad break up

the sensible thing to do is console her with your penis
Shes just been through a bad break up

the sensible thing to do is console her with your penis

Nah, she's been scouting dudes. She doesn't realize the power she wields as an attractive woman because she spent most of her adult life in a relationship with that controlling, jealous douchebag.

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