Libs still don't get it

Ok, guy from the internet. I'll get right on it.

PS this isn't even my thread and my post didn't contain the word "liberal."

Yeah your 1st post was not a response to the headline, sure. You were the sandiest vagina on the entire forum this election. Hell if a dem farted in Cali you made a thread to cry about it.
Yeah your 1st post was not a response to the headline, sure. You were the sandiest vagina on the entire forum this election. Hell if a dem farted in Cali you made a thread to cry about it.

I don't think I've ever made a thread in the War Room, so I don't know what you're talking about. You must have me confused. Why is your vagina so sandy over my posts doe?

Edit: oh, I think you're thinking of @Hans Gruber. Lol. Get a load of this dumb ass.
I don't think I've ever made a thread in the War Room, so I don't know what you're talking about. You must have me confused. Why is your vagina so sandy over my posts doe?

Edit: oh, I think you're thinking of @Hans Gruber. Lol. Get a load of this dumb ass.

You are correct. My apologies good sir. A case of mistaken identity. Completely my bad. I owe a beer.
He has to have some who know the political landscape. Plus, how many people are going yo suddenly quit their job doing something else to become a politician?

Regardless, he will be where the buck stops. Not his appointees.

Quite a lot if your pension scheme is anywhere near as ridiculous as the one in my country.

I think to be a good leader you have to accept your inability to be an expert in every area of governance. Which is why it's important to have knowledgeable people around you.

Having the buck stop doesn't mean the guy is going to be impervious to bad information. Nobody can be an expert on everything.

Which is why I don't understand is why the GOP dick sucking? Not like those fuckers helped in the slightest. The guy ran on the promise of clearing the swamp and hiring the best around him and actually had a good enough reason to follow through with it. He owed nothing to those fuckers and it was a massive part of his success.

Then this.

Can't be too judgemental though. We did the same thing not to long ago, voted in a guy who had little in the way of policy (not to the same extent) and basically won by being hated a little less. He was taken to task for breaking what little promises he did make by the public and eventually knifed in the back by his own party in what is becoming a bi-annual tradition here (slight hyperbole).

Hopefully you guys will do the same (taking to task, don't think the knifing is possible in your system) but judging by the common reaction to him shitting on the swamp draining and hiring the best promise doesn't leave me hopeful.
Well, I guess I can't hold it against you then.

So sorry man

To be fair, the american right have bastadized the term "liberal" beyond most original meaning. Hell at one point Reagan was called liberal. You really need to find a more fitting description for the small specific group of left wingers you are always crying about. Total fucking morons, or TFM would be my suggestion.

There is however one thing I find quite funny.. Right now Dems are freaking the fuck out, but it seems to be mostly dem voters, not the main portion of dems in office. However Trump voters are crying all day long about it..
When Barry was elected the entire body of elected republicans pretty much said they would oppose any policy, no matter how good, from Barry. Is that not a whole lot more damaging than the screaming dem voters? It certainly had an effect on national policy to have a do nothing congress who just wanted to obstruct. Hell they caused a government shutdown.
From the outside both sides seem really fucking childish
True, but Republicans didn't bastardize the word liberal, their own behavior, by embracing all of the ridiculous causes took care of that.
True, but Republicans didn't bastardize the word liberal, their own behavior, by embracing all of the ridiculous causes took care of that.

Those are not liberals though, not in the true sense of the word.
You mean President-elect Bankruptcy McBankruptcy cares about paying debts?

News to me.

He's talking about cutting all taxes SIGNIFICANTLY, increasing infrastructure spending to $3T, and starting a new arms race.

That isn't a recipe for taking care of the debt.

Trump has over 500 businesses. Only 7 went bankrupt. Libs need to revise their talking points.

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