League of legends v7: Darien Swag edition

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Although I've never played with this Emperor guy, I'm pretty damn confident in saying Onion is a hell of a better 'Got player.
But in fairness, he has a 50% win rate with urgot, that's a +8% from the monthly win rate
I can't imagine playing 1600 games, much less playing 90% of those as one champion. If that one champion was Urgot I'd probably kill myself. And when he's not playing Urgot he's playing Soraka. I feel sorry for his Q key.
I can't imagine playing 1600 games, much less playing 90% of those as one champion. If that one champion was Urgot I'd probably kill myself. And when he's not playing Urgot he's playing Soraka. I feel sorry for his Q key.

That reminds me; there is a weekly thread on reddit where people post keyboard heat maps and have people guess what champion is there main. This one dude posted one where he basically only used E and was an amumu main.
I can't wait for Urgot's VU and re-work, not because I think its right but because once he becomes the top played champ you'll be crawling to me asking for the ways of the Urgot (except Echo, forged, and Byron, they know the ways of the GOT)
I can't wait for Urgot's VU and re-work, not because I think its right but because once he becomes the top played champ you'll be crawling to me asking for the ways of the Urgot (except Echo, forged, and Byron, they know the ways of the GOT)

The sad fact is that depending on how drastic the rework is, previous experience with him may not even matter. :icon_sad:

At least you can say you were one of the OG Urgot players though. Start racking up those ranked games!
Ever tried Urgot with this build?:

Frozen Guantlet
Runaan's Hurricane
Guardian Angel
Frozen Heart

Muramana/Guantlet/BOTRK with on-hit effects, Runaans procs all on-hit effects, and Urgot with this build is pretty tanky, especially against physical.. Get up close and personal and start shredding kids.

No armor pen, low magic resist (only GA), short range, but I could see this build being strong against melee AD comps which are pretty common right now. Would not fill the role of ADC, but played as a situational top or mid, I could see this working.
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