League of legends v7: Darien Swag edition

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Red Belt
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score




Sherdog Name = League Summoner Name
OnionKnight86 = shes only lvl 17 (NA)
echohead = echoheadxx (NA)
Byron Carter = 'Dulu' and 'Dulu MZ' when on timeout (NA)
AgeofEmpires2 = rungnir (NA)
Real_Magi = izael archi magu (NA)
Old Jewish Lady = nakedlolplayer (NA)
goforkyourself = Hitherepals (NA)
SiCnEsS = Milster (NA)
Thesis = Thesis (NA)
execute = Roidereem (NA)
= idlasthitit (NA)
Gaeric = GaericSD (NA)
sgt jumpy = jumpy clone (NA)
bubble bath = Hodgy Cuddles (NA)
Andrewwawa = worldcathiphop (NA)
agentorange24 = LOLDozer (NA)
a13ks = Mustafa Sex Crim (NA)
dawnignited = Strifesong (NA)
caulderborn = Dormath (NA)
gronkkkk = Delmrus (NA)
Rogerthealien = Lolargasm (NA)
Krossinc = JabberSmash (NA)
Rmbr2Breathe = GrillCheeseSammy (NA)
gopackgo555 = gopackgo555 (NA)
F[o]rged = reploiid (NA)
goldenglovez = Katrib (NA)
Torami = Bruce Swain (NA)
Fido = Looniewise (NA)
xtramob = xtramob (NA)
TheGoodCat = 1Auro (NA)
Tomie = Rastira (NA)
Takun = Manv88 (NA)
frystyle = Fryztyle (EUW)
Carl Drogo = CarlDrogo1

Sherdog ranked:

Current Patch notes: Patch Notes 4.9

If your name isn't on here or there is any other info you think the OP needs go ahead and PM me.

If anyone wants to get some serious ranked team play going be sure to say something and let us know which region you are. I'll start a second list of people for ranked play.
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I've never jungled before, never found it to be my thing. I always go mid lane, ADC or support.

If I wanted to start learning the jungle which champion would be best to learn on? Some are telling me Shyvana...
I've never jungled before, never found it to be my thing. I always go mid lane, ADC or support.

If I wanted to start learning the jungle which champion would be best to learn on? Some are telling me Shyvana...

Vi, lee sin, ellise

now with that new item, Yi, Nocturne, and Xin have become pretty good.

Shyv is a good one as well.
I've never jungled before, never found it to be my thing. I always go mid lane, ADC or support.

If I wanted to start learning the jungle which champion would be best to learn on? Some are telling me Shyvana...

lol Shyvana, she's one of the hardest junglers in the game, playing her is all about counter jungling and counter ganking and skirmishes

Generally, one of the best ways to start out jungling is to play champions you already play that also happen to be able to jungle.

I used to main Jarvan back before I hit level 30, so he was the first jungler that I was ever got any good at.
lol Shyvana, she's one of the hardest junglers in the game, playing her is all about counter jungling and counter ganking and skirmishes


Do not agree, one of the easiest junglers imo.
yeah she is top tier jungle. her jungle speed is what makes her so good.

Just because a champion is top tier doesn't mean that they are easy.

You can't play Shyvana like your typical jungler because her ganks are horrendous pre 6. Being able to anticipate the movements of the enemy jungler and understanding the jungle role as a whole is absolutely essential to maximize the effectiveness of her.

Or you can just sit in your jungle and farm all day with feral flare... but there are other champs for that.
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Here's a champ that is actually easy to play... happens to be a great jungler these days

Just because a champion is top tier doesn't mean that they are easy.

You can't play Shyvana like your typical jungler because her ganks are horrendous pre 6. Being able to anticipate the movements of the enemy jungler and understanding the jungle role as a whole is absolutely essential to maximize the effectiveness of her.

Or you can just sit in your jungle and farm all day with feral flare... but there are other champs for that.

you overcomplicate low MMR jungling, this isn't the LCS from gold down you can easily play someone like shyvana and just walk into lane without your ult and get decent ganks off because people rarely ward and look at their minimap. Because of her insane clear and lategame scaling you know you will get items and be a factor endgame.
Here's a champ that is actually easy to play... happens to be a great jungler these days


Xin Zhao is a really good champion to start learning how to jungle with. He has cc, lifesteal, and a gap-closer.
Back to Silver promos for me. I got there one time before but went W-L-L-L to fall back into Bronze.
Back to ranked play for the first time in over a week. 4-0 Draven so far.
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