League of Legends, v11: Urgots a can edition.

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More like Paragon watching them lose anda saying "put me in, coach! Oh wait I'm the coach. Nevermind. Altec, go get yourself a Sightsone".

Stolen straight from Reddit.
my rock adc on fantasy, now I have to use piglet or have 3 h2k players and they are clashing vs the other 2 teams a hot streaks.
LOL legit wtf at the wfx news, thats hilarious, the twelve year old got fed up with their shit after a week

the biggest problem with NA/EU is that they are hung up on names instead of bring up new talent. See it all the time in the challenger scene, its just people that were in the LCS hopping around challenger teams trying to get back in.

Damn Gambit win streak ended.

Diamond with the Fucking eve pick. Saw he went 2/0/8 on it but did he play well beyond his stats?
Damn Gambit win streak ended.

Diamond with the Fucking eve pick. Saw he went 2/0/8 on it but did he play well beyond his stats?

he got pretty shut down in terms of initating good team fights, in skirmishes he did well as per diamond style
Damn Gambit win streak ended.

Diamond with the Fucking eve pick. Saw he went 2/0/8 on it but did he play well beyond his stats?

Well they got outpicked and lost the early game pretty hard.Diamond farmed at the beginning so there weren't early game ganks.Pretty meh pick to be honest.
Well they got outpicked and lost the early game pretty hard.Diamond farmed at the beginning so there weren't early game ganks.Pretty meh pick to be honest.

I'm more shocked he picked it tho, she is considered a bad pick
love DoA on the crew this time around, Dude is a one man show.
monte cristo is the last person you want at an analysis desk, the guy is worse then mike goldberg
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MonteCristo is okay atleast he can talk without the use of a monitor even if he keeps on starting his sentences with "in korea..".

Cant Believe fnc lost, fell asleep (fucking Elements forty hour game). But god damn Huni is soooo gyyyyd.
how crazy is it that h2k could very well be first place.
Jesus that Faker Victor game today was amazing. He absolutely stomped with him.It's like there is no champion he can't play.Also funny that they brought him out only after the 1-1. Cool also got stomped today by Hetong in a Zed vs Azir match after picking Zed specifically as a counter.
china made victor awesome like 2-3 weeks ago ;P Its not what korea is doing anymore, its what china is doing.
china made victor awesome like 2-3 weeks ago ;P Its not what korea is doing anymore, its what china is doing.

Can't really remember exactly but I think kuro started playing him around that time and he is 4/4 with him.But nobody has played him like Faker did today.That was pretty much a perfect game.
China is basically washed up Korean players.Once they went to China a lot them slacked off. Mata today was a disaster on Thresh during some plays.

i dunno how you could say washed up. :eek: They are still the best that korea has ever had ever....Pawn performance in worlds made Faker look like a schoolboy.
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