Khabib's father invites Conor McGregor to Dagestan

He'd probably go. He gave no shits about going to Brazil when he had all that Aldo beef.

He probably has some kind of shit that he could sell them.
So because they’re from Dagestan, they are immune to holding grudges, and the capability of being psychopaths? Because that trait is EXCLUSIVE to Americans of polish decent. Yep, you’re totally right.
This is a weird conversation we're having...

Someone said "People out there don't carry grudges". "Out there" referring to Dagestan. You responded:
Richard kuklinski, famous hitman for the mob, used to follow people home who flipped him off on the road, and would come back days later to strangle them to death in their driveways. I beg to differ.
So I was wondering why you're comparing Kuklinski to Dagestani people. I'm not saying they don't hold grudges, in fact they often do, but my point is that Kuklinski is completely unrelated to the topic.

It's odd that I have to explain this.
I honestly can't believe the gall of these Nurmbagomedovs.

Biggest pretenders of being respectful, decent human beings while they're clearly scumbags. Yeah, bullshit you wanna invite Conor as a guest. BULLSHIT. You have other motives and shit will happen.

These guys are shit. These guys are as fake as it gets.
Exactly! I think Conor and Kadyrov would get along great :)
The irony is, they just might. Always gotten a hard partying jock fratboy vibe from him. Dude even looks like a 'bro.' I suspect as long as you enjoy extreme sports, are not gay and don't directly insult Islam, he would probably be fun to hang out with. Murderous warlord aside.
The irony is, they just might. Always gotten a hard partying jock fratboy vibe from him. Dude even looks like a 'bro.' I suspect as long as you enjoy extreme sports, are not gay and don't directly insult Islam, he would probably be fun to hang out with. Murderous warlord aside.
But all the girls at his parties are covered up
If he went, Connor would have to (out of respect to his host) behave himself... Which I believe is beyond him whenever their is a camera around to act like a jackass in front of......
I honestly can't believe the gall of these Nurmbagomedovs.

Biggest pretenders of being respectful, decent human beings while they're clearly scumbags. Yeah, bullshit you wanna invite Conor as a guest. BULLSHIT. You have other motives and shit will happen.

These guys are shit. These guys are as fake as it gets.

It’s been two weeks. Your guy got destroyed- it’s time to let go and move on.
Conor would be murdered by chechen thugs as soon he touched down. Such a disingenuous offer. All Fedor did was criticize Kadyrovs “kid fights” and his daughter gets punched in the chest on the way home from school.
perhaps khabib's father should worry about important things like telling his forty year old son to get a real job and move out
Can you imagine Conors travel insurance quote for that trip.;)
It’s been two weeks. Your guy got destroyed- it’s time to let go and move on.
You might be retarded, seeing as I said Khabib would win. It's been your whole life and you're still stupid. May want to get on that, little guy.
They purchased a one way ticket for him.
Dad wants a discount on Proper 12.

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