Khabib "will not give Conor potential rematch"

Like the UFC would give him any other choice.
why are you so sure about it , Conor already made excuses before fighting him maybe after the he will not ask for a re-match.

as always said,Khabib needs to beat Tony first and I am not sure if he can do that
He better get Fergie to the ground then or this whole Conor rematch shit will never even potentially happen.
This fight has Pat Healy/Kahbib written all over it, except an elite version of Pat, with better accuracy in his strikes, better footwork, cage cutting, and same durability and chin, and front kicks to the body on Tony's side.

I think Tony beats Khabib, and gives him his first loss.
"I'm not thinking about my next fight, but already thinking about how I'll handle a potential rematch of a fight that might never even happen"

What a dick.
Lol Conor will just fight someone else. What's made this guy so entitled?

is Khabib born rich or something? he doesn't seem to care about money at all, base on the interview.