Kevin Iole says Jones would be stronger than Lesnar....wut?

Brock has that farmboy/wrestler strength built up over a lifetime of work, he is not just a puffed up bodybuilder.


That definitely takes strength. Not one of the moves where the guy can really help you accomplish it.
Most of these dorks that comment have never trained, OF COURSE BROCK IS STRONGER JESUS.

Isn't Iole some "respected" journalist?
Jones' overall technique is stronger, especially in terms of submissions and striking. But Brock is a more accomplished amateur wrestler (Jones is perhaps a better MMA wrestler) and undoubtedly bigger and physically stronger than Jones.
Common opponent Frank mir disagrees
Functionally he might be. In the weigh room Brock is no doubt stronger.
People need to see this and realize how strong he is
Lifting up 70kg man like its 10kg dumbell
70kg is 154 lbs. I think the ref weighed even more than that, around 180 lbs or 82kg. But Brock is strong AF either way.
Mir, " Those metal plates with numbers on them increasing means I got stronger. " or some crap like that lol I remember him saying before the rematch.

While we're on Mir... that hole hallway fight thing with Jones that was just two guys horsing around right? Or what happened exactly I never knew the story to that?
Yeah, they were friends/training partners at the time, just messing around.
at least we are comparing two lifetime cheats. Thats kind of fair.

I would just found a new fighting org in Bangladesh or annother place with tough PED testing. Ultimate Needle Championship and both could openly insert as many needles as possible into their body.

Would be refreshing to not see Jones lying all the time. Would be very strange for him.

Jones could gain annother 30pound of muscle and then a mortal kombat style fight between them.
I didn't read the article but wow what a retarded old man if he actually said that.

One just needs to take a single glance at the two to know Lesnar is obviously way stronger. A 3 year old could figure this out but Iole can't.
So his argument is Jones is strong because.... he lifts? The fuck man, that is surprisingly stupid even for mma "journalism" Yeah I'm sure Lesnar has never lifted before and that's just roids and genetics.

Fuckin retard.
Jones clearly has amazing hip/core strength but stronger than Lesnar? In pure strength? Ridiculous statement, just look at his combine stats, 225lbs for over 30 reps no matter how you look at that it is amazing and then consider how he has actually grown and the sheer amount of candy he has eaten, Jones couldn’t even be competitive with him.

In a fight though? Different meaning and so many variables not to mention Lesnars age
Kevin Iole says that Lesnar basically looks strong but actually isn't that strong and that Jones has proven feats in the gym which show how strong he is.


Couldn't be further from the truth.

No doubt that Jones is extremely strong, he's shown great strength in his wrestling, clinch work, and other techniques but he weighs around 220-240lbs. come fight time most likely. Lesnar who's proven he's also very strong in his fights and has been a much larger weight for much longer, thus more conditioned to carrying that large frame is probably around 290-300lbs. come fight night. That is an incredible weight difference especially when 10lbs. is a big difference. Even if Lesnar came in at 270lbs. that'd still be a 30lbs. difference over Jones. Jones also looked slow when he put on more weight for one of his fights and I believe he said he didn't like being that muscular because it slowed him down, his speed and reach being two of his biggest assets.

I'd say Kevin Iole was completely wrong and it's Jones who has gym muscles while Lesnar has more functional strength.

Kevin said Jones's strikes would keep Lesnar at bay. Well, Hunt's a far more lethal 1 punch striker than Jones's is and Lesnar got past his striking for the TD, granted they have far different styles and Jones's has a lot more output and varied techniques. But I'm not sure Jones's wants to be throwing out oblique kicks because it leaves him open for the TD and Lesnar. Lesnar also has double and single legs from afar and he can use body lock throws also wherein some other wrestlers Jones's has fought did more upper body throws. Jones's problem against Lesnar is he's not known for big 1 punch/kick power. And if you're going to stop Lesnar I think you need that big power otherwise he may walk thru your punch, get you against the cage, and get the TD.

Kevin Iole also says it'd be a boring fight, a squash match for Jones. I think that's the 2nd part where he's wrong.

I think a Lesnar vs. Jones fight would be one of the biggest PPVs in UFC history if the rest of the card is good and I think it'd be a great fight with someone being finished. And I think Lesnar would eventually get Jones down and hurt him and finish him. I'm sure a lot of people think Jones would win.

What do you think about this article and who would win?

it all fake news it never gone happen people.
I agree with Iole. According to my layman knowledge, turinabol is a stronger compound than foot cream.
Jon Jones is stronger than Lesnar and better in every facet. Lesnar wont be able to take Jon down in a cage either.
Anyway this kind of " inter hero instagram fame " doesn't prove shit.
Especially since if Kevin Iole had done his homeworks he would know Lesnar's number in the weight room are considerably higher than Jones even on a cycle..
You are wrong buddy!!!

Thats an alien from third rock

Lole looks like the trinity serial killer from Dexter, but unlike the killer, he's a goddamn idiot. I would bet so much money on Brock completely destroying Jones in strength contests.


Id also bet on Brock in a 3 rounder, Jones hasnt got the power to get Brock shook like an Uberreem.