Joe Rogan and DC are horrible

Corrado Soprano

Brown Belt
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
These two are horrible and need to retire from commentating. They criticize Leon for not going for the finish. Leon then goes for the finish and they criticize Leon for that. They push all these dumb narratives during the fight. DC would not let that stupid Lennox Lewis comparison go.
Infuriating that. You'd think it was the first time a winner has finished on the bottom. Leon did everything right and they're talking about optics despite him taking Colby down attempting subs and dominating. Pair of absolute clowns at this point.
It was cringe worthy the whole way through, why can't these guys just do their job?

DC was literally talking about Leon's "BRAND" <45>
Joe Rogan got very critical of Leon. I feel like Cormier had an overall point with Leon needing to grow his fanbase as champion and taking risks, but then in Joe's nature he glommed onto one thing and just kept poking at it.
Agreed. Leon dominated him and was the alpha in the fight. Finishing on the bottom doesn’t mean shit.
They were by far more than fair, that was not a championship effort for either guy. Leon fought complacent, like he’s already peaked.

The true champs usually elevate their game after winning a title. Colby was rusty and ripe for the picking.
DC literally said that they should give Bryce the chair after the man had already been killed
I'm a fan of Rogan but his comments for the main event were horrendous and conflicting. He comments that he needs to be more assertive in future fights yet we witnessed Edwards take Colby down and out grapple him at times. There was far too much emphasis that Leon wasn't standing at the end. This isn't a bloody ballet competition it's a fight.
When DC even gets a WHIFF of a level change, he foams at the mouth like a dog in anticipation. It’s like it’s the only part of MMA that he can relate to. Which is fine for a fighter/ex fighter but as a commentator? Makes you look like you have low fight IQ and biased to boot.

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