It's so easy to travel now, why would anyone marry an American woman?

Inb4 shitstorm, but imo there's no benefit to marriage for men these days. Most do it out of fear because eventually the woman threatens to walk without the ring. Fine, bye then. Seen too many guys give in and regret it.

People are not how they were generations ago and it just doesn't work for a lot of people.
When you are 65 and alone, you're probably gonna wish you committed to someone for life.
Barring taxes, why get married period?
Huge gambe on losing half YOUR (not this our bullshit) stuff and for what exactly?
You've got it all wrong Gunther

Marry someone your equal and it's a moot point regarding "half your stuff"
Sure I do, I just don't discount the fact that plenty of people are getting fucked over, like some of the white knights on here do. Oh I'm married or my friends are married so there's no reason other people might have a negative view on marriage. And I don't say it's all women all the time. I'm a dude and most of my friends are dudes, so yeah those are going to be my anecdotal experiences. I've also known women that were raped or beaten by their partners, so it's not like all men are some saints. Far from it.

In reality lots of people of both genders are shitty, and a lot of them are pretty good at hiding it in relationships. You have a situation where your wife makes good money so if she leaves she can't take half your shit. That's cool. I'm legitimately happy for you, I wish only the best for everyone.

However the fact that the system now actively punishes men for trying to pursue the old family model, where the man works and the woman stays home with the kids, should absolutely be taken into consideration by men. Plenty of guys are having all their shit taken when it doesn't work out, and they're blindsided out of nowhere.

Or even with no kids involved you can get fucked, like a friend of a friend. His wife maxed out all their credit cards and drained their savings account because she was fucking someone else and was about to bail. ~5 years later the guy is still chipping away at the massive pile of debt, trying to get his life back together. You don't have to have a lot of money to get screwed over by marriage, all you have to do is trust the wrong person.

If anything the people in here that have good marriages just seem to look down on everyone else, "well don't pick a shitty partner that only wants to screw you over" You think any of us knew that was going to happen? Of course not.

I'm happily married and I don't look down on anybody for not being married. I could care less. Grass is always greener sort of things...

Friend: you're so lucky you get to go home to you're wife...

Me: you're so lucky you can hit the bars and talk to girls and stay out late without kissing anybody off...
How does a woman living in her own country make her foreign? She's only foreign once she decides to leave that country to enter a new one.

Philadelphia is like a foreign country.
Truth. Not only that, but you practically have to be Professor X to navigate how much shit they're not telling you, how their emotions will vary widely without any warning, and how they will react to those changes.

Me and my ex-wife seemed to have the perfect overlap. Both nuts in our own way, everyone is a little nuts, but seemingly very compatible. Then I put a ring on it and SURPRISE! Here comes a new challenger! Bitch completely changed overnight with no warning or explanation.

Same story with most divorced guys I know. The fact that most divorced guys can't tell you WHY they're divorced, because to this day they have no idea what the fuck caused a complete personality change overnight, should tell single dudes all they need to know.

There must be some chemical in that marriage license. Once she signs it, she changes.
If travelling has taught me anything it is that women are much more tolerable once you step outside the USA.

Here are just a few examples

-More approachable
-Less bitchy
-Don't blow up in weight as soon as they pop out a kid or get married
-Plenty of girls enjoy being feminine (don't dress like slobs, wear cute skirts and dresses)
-Willing to do more to please their man

I just don't get it. Why have American men become so whipped? Last time I was back home I watched TV briefly and all I saw were commercials that make men look stupid and then a woman steps in and completes the task instantly. Feminism has destroyed the US and myself and plenty of other expats are much happier marrying women from other countries. I just can't understand why there aren't more men doing this.

Must be really bad in the USA. I always hear stuff like this on the internet about the women there. Where I'm from girls might have some bad qualities like anywhere else, but it's nothing like this shit I read. No wonder you have these MGTOW, Red Pillers and whatever other idiots and extremists.
American guys who have a hatred for American girls are typically the kinds of guys that can't get quality American girls, so they have to go to places where the chance at a green card and a higher standard of living is enough for them to pull quality girls. This is seriously the saddest kind of dude there is.
Generalize much? Just because you've met 11 bitches in the last 2 years doesn't mean my wife doesn't give me the BJs.
American chicks are slightly exotic & mysterious from my perspective.
Well according to Sherdog the UK only has very ugly, fat women who are perpetually drunk and who vomit and fart in public constantly. So I guess us Brits should be flocking to the US to take some of those oh-so slim, beautiful and well-mannered American chicks.

I have to defend your country and say that I've come across many hot British chicks. The stereotype is outdated.

As to this thread, I think it's fair to say that the recent feminist wave has turned a lot of men off. This isn't meant to mean that women shouldn't stand up for themselves when they are wronged. But it is to say that women have begun to see themselves as perpetual victims, and have used this victimhood to take advantage of men. Not all the time, but at least with younger people, it is happening more and more.

This is probably one of the reasons why younger people aren't having sex as often as in the past. The sexes have changed in a way where they are no longer attracted to each other. Guys have turned into pussies, and women have turned into militant feminazis.
In my experience, women from central and south America are much more lady like than north american women. They dress nicely, always try to look their best, not overweight, and act lady like. They don't get completely wasted and loud.

I see frumpy north American women chugging beers and burping and swearing. Of course I'm generalizing, I've met many beautiful and proper north American girls too, but they are not the norm.

Now, it's easy to get laid in central and south America-surprise surprise, women also like sex. But, it's way easier to fuck north American women. They are far and away the easiest women to get into bed.

In their cultures, the sexes retain the, "macho" male role and the feminine female role. The traditional and more natural roles they have make it easier to understand each other.
If travelling has taught me anything it is that women are much more tolerable once you step outside the USA.

Here are just a few examples

-More approachable
-Less bitchy
-Don't blow up in weight as soon as they pop out a kid or get married
-Plenty of girls enjoy being feminine (don't dress like slobs, wear cute skirts and dresses)
-Willing to do more to please their man

I just don't get it. Why have American men become so whipped? Last time I was back home I watched TV briefly and all I saw were commercials that make men look stupid and then a woman steps in and completes the task instantly. Feminism has destroyed the US and myself and plenty of other expats are much happier marrying women from other countries. I just can't understand why there aren't more men doing this.
Agreed TS. Would like to get an Irisih lass, but not from Dublin. One from the countryside
You've got it all wrong Gunther

Marry someone your equal and it's a moot point regarding "half your stuff"
I live in 29 palms my dude, if I lived in a metropolitan locale than I totally feel you

Let me get this straight. American women are too difficult and travel is cheap... so why don't you just give up on American women and travel abroad to rescue a girl from a developing country that will be more submissive?

She might not speak english well, she will be culturally different and in some ways just back asswards in how things should be done. She will have zero earning power because whatever education she has if any, isn't valid in the states, she will be 100% relying on YOU to house, feed, take care of her etc.

What a deal, just a get a dog and bang hookers TS... it will be less expensive and the dog won't divorce you once it has legal residency lmao.
Why marry at all? Fuck whomever you want, whenever you want...I do love fucking married bitches though.

Let me get this straight. American women are too difficult and travel is cheap... so why don't you just give up on American women and travel abroad to rescue a girl from a developing country that will be more submissive?

She might not speak english well, she will be culturally different and in some ways just back asswards in how things should be done. She will have zero earning power because whatever education she has if any, isn't valid in the states, she will be 100% relying on YOU to house, feed, take care of her etc.

What a deal, just a get a dog and bang hookers TS... it will be less expensive and the dog won't divorce you once it has legal residency lmao.

not that this happens all the time, but i worked with this guy who married a hungarian chick and brought her over here to the states. i didn't see her often, but when i did, they seemed to get along fine-enough. five years into it, she became legal and dumped him a month later. my co-worker was devastated. he took like a week off after it happened. could tell that he was still tore up about it when he came back to work. it seems like a scary proposition. not that every situation goes this way, but that always stuck with me.
There are quite a few guys that get mail order brides where I live. I seen one case where it worked b/c the guy was not socially retarded. I seen a few cases where the guys were so pathetic and had so little game that women from destitute upbringings could not be with those guys. A couple of girls went back to Russia. I knew another girl that was blatantly flirting with me with her new husband right there. I guess what I am trying to say is that you will still have to have some sort of game around these women.
yeah, thats still anecdotal. I too have that, but its contrary. So, it may just be true to you.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

It's amazing to me the amount of grown ass men who just fail at grasping this simple concept. Won't even entertain an idea or provide evidence because their individual experience is enough to make something fact :D
I'm not gay, but I could see myself traveling to Thailand and "accidentally" getting duped by a Thai ladyboy. I would smack him if he tried to cuddle with me.