Media Israel Adesanya on mocking Alex Pereira's son: 'I did that kid a favor'

Izzy helped him out by getting him prepared for the mockery he would face at school. Dude is a Saint
Maybe I'm just a dick, but I don't think the taunting of children at a cage fight their father brought them to is THAT big of a deal.

I'm sure if Alex laid Izzy out again they would have given it to Izzy again. People take things too seriously these days.
he will become the victim of perpetual mockery after he gets KO'd again.
That's because you have no morals, fight me for the name Haj or should I say Vag.
No morals yet you support a guy that does hit and run on pregnant women. You can have the name Vag. It suits you
It's kinda petty as a grown man to do that but at the same time, I think it's hilarious and I'm glad he did it.

I had never seen the footage of Alex's son mocking Izzy's KO. If you have that attitude that early in life, you need to be taught some respect and get humbled. Izzy showed him the other side of the coin.
Israel Adesanya is into beastiality. Her fondles his pets' genitals on camera.

He also seems to think young children have the maturity of adults. Not a good look.
Man Izzy is such a piece of shit human being, ego is just too much...I try to like the guy because he is a great fighter and doesn't say no to challenges but man he is such a piece of trash. Zero respect for him as a person
Are you stupid? Did you watch the video posted?
Literally in the video Pereira is showing the video for the embedded camera because he is proud while is son who is now a teen says he will do it again if it happened. Teach for kid manners
So that means its ok for Izzy to carry beef with a kid? Izzy is a petty fragile ego bitch.
If there was a man to apologize to I'm sure Alex would have made his son do it, but there was only Izzy. A guy who gets rustled by a 5 year old, holds it for 6 years, and still ain't over it. smh. That's some hardcore insecurity