Islamophobia? Outrage, condemnation. Extremist imams? Crickets.

Just to give you an idea of the head-in-the-sand mentality of the left-wing media here, check this out. I'm sure everyone here who is from Toronto knows about NOW magazine. It's a far-left rag that acts as a mouthpiece for BLM and other wackos, but it isn't some fringe paper. It's pretty mainstream here, it's a free paper available on the streets, has a lot of advertising, and mainstream actors and singers will often do an interview and appear on the cover when they're in town promoting something. Anyway, they published this article the other day shitting on the Rebel protest outside the mosque. I went on the article today and posted in the comments section links to those articles from the OP of this thread - I wanted all these leftist freaks to know the kind of hate and extremism being preached by their "allies" down at that very mosque. Well I just checked the article again and the comments are all deleted (there were about 20 when I posted that earlier today, almost all negative towards M-103) and closed, you can't comment on it at all anymore lmao.

Check out that site and you'll see that the other articles all have comments sections (even the one co-signing the BLM twat calling Trudeau a white supremacist terrorist lmao). Basically I pointed out to these "right side of history" left-wingers what is being preached at that mosque and their response was

Here we go. From our friends at Trudeauvision, oops I mean CBC. Turns out the Masjid mosque has condemned the hateful supplications recited at their mosque, months after the fact. Good for them. #notallmuslims


"The incident occurred when inappropriate supplications, in Arabic, were added without authorization, and in contravention to MAC's code of conduct," the organization said in a statement.

"We know who made the comments and we have suspended the employee," said Hossain, adding that the mosque has launched an internal investigation.

Just some crazy junior employee, full of mischief, said some naughty things and the leadership at the mosque had no idea. If they knew what was being said, they would have poured cold water on it right away because Islam is a religion of peace. That's all this is, let's get back to talking about how bad Islamophobia is. Hmm, what's that, Canadian Jewish news?

The anti-Jewish and anti-infidels sermon was published on YouTube on July 4, 2016. Three imams at Majid Toronto mosque led the sermon. According to Masjid Toronto YouTube channel:

Isha [night-time prayer] and 1st part of Taraweeh [special evening prayer in Ramadan] led by Br. Murshid, 2nd part of Taraweeh led by Dr. Mustafa Hannout, 3rd part of Taraweeh and Witr [night prayer] led by Br. Aymen Elkasrawy.”

Dr. Mustafa Hannout, ‎a Vitreoretinal Surgery-Clinical fellow at University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, is seen standing next to Aymen Elkasrawy, a Teaching Assistant at Ryerson University, when he was reciting the above supplication. He and all other congregants repeated “Ameen” after each supplication.

The following are excerpts from Ayman Elkasrawy’s supplications:

O Allah! We ask you… [to give us] victory over the enemies. O Allah! Raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims. O Allah! Give victory (help) to your oppressed slaves all over the world, east to west. O Allah! Give victory (help) to your slaves who believe in the oneness of Allah, O the Lord of the Worlds! O Allah! Destroy the criminals. O Allah! Destroy anyone who inflicts injustice on your slaves, O the Lord of the Worlds! O Allah! Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them. O Allah! Do not defer [it] from them. O Allah! Seize them with the seizure of One Mighty, Omnipotent [referring to a Quranic verse that deals with the punishment Allah inflicted on Pharaoh and his people].

[O Allah!] Give us victory over the disbelieving people… O Allah! Give victory to Islam and raise the standing the Muslims. And humiliate the polytheism and polytheists. O Allah! Give victory (help) to your slaves who believe in the oneness of Allah, O the Lord of the Worlds!O Allah! Give them victory over the criminal people. O Allah! Destroy anyone who killed Muslims. O Allah! Destroy anyone who displaced the sons of the Muslims. O Allah! Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them. O Allah! Purify Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews! O Allah! Purify Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews!

On July 8, 2016 Shaykh Abdool Hamid recited the following supplication at Masjid Toronto mosque:

O Allah! Raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims. And humiliate the polytheism, the polytheists, the infidels and the atheists. And Give victory (help) to your slaves who believe in the oneness of Allah. O Allah! Give victory to our oppressed and deprived Muslim brothers and the mujahideen (those who engage in jihad) everywhere. O Allah! Pour on them patience and steadfast their feet. And give them victory over the disbelieving people. And give them victory over the evildoers. And give them victory over the criminals.

Shaykh Abdool Hamid recited similar supplications at Masjid Toronto mosque also on:

  • June 6, 2016 (click HERE)

  • December 11, 2015 (click HERE)

  • November 13, 2015 (click HERE)

  • August 14, 2015 (click HERE)

  • June 12, 2015 (click HERE)

  • May 13, 2015 (click HERE)

  • May 8, 2015 (click HERE)

  • January 8, 2016 (click HERE)

Meh I hear what you're saying but it's easier said than done. The whole point of this "Islamophobia" crap is to conflate criticism of the teachings of Islam with hatred of Muslims. So any time you try to separate the two and speak on the sick shit that's inherent in the religion, you're branded an Islamophobe and your opinion is worthless. That's how it is in Canada anyway.

Also, everyone knows people who are more "culturally Muslim" who don't really follow the religion at all. So for Canadian "liberals" that means that all Muslims are like that. You can point out all the twisted shit in the Quran and the Hadiths, it makes no difference because Ahmed from IT doesn't follow any of that so therefore nobody does. You could ask them, how come all the people in this mosque had no problems with the crazy shit this imam was saying, praising mujahadeen and talking about "Jewish filth" or whatever? You won't get anything resembling a coherent answer.

Yeah, persuading people is really hard. It's impossible to do sometimes. That's why you need to get people into persuadable state. Ben Affleck and Sam Harris are the perfect example of that.

Sam started with facts, and Ben's liberal instinct for protecting people kicked in. He just couldn't listen anymore, because he perceived Sam as the enemy, someone with completely different values than him. What Sam could have done better, is to start by explicating his intentions clearly. He needed to show Ben they are on the same team, that he understands what Ben wants and believes. There's no guarantee it would have worked, but my point is, we need to accept potential irrationality as a basic human trait, and start constructing our arguments from there.