I only want to roll because classes are too boring

I like your open minded point of view. I still go to class and do what's required; I just loathe the tedium of drilling. At open mats and in class I spend time helping new people the same as they helped me. I don't care about being labeled a martial artist, and I think that's what is driving these angry comments. They take it all much more seriously than I do.

I get it. You're a brown belt - at the advanced level you're responsible for your development more than your instructor. As long as you're not pulling people out of regular class or causing a weird mutiny or something, it's not that big of a deal.
At the end of the day, we are just man wrestling. And that's still pretty fun and cool.
White and blues should stfu and do what the coach says, purples and up, should be take their development as they pleases, unless they are really training under a world class instructor

There are many parameters of boredom:
- all colored belts are drilling the same techniques over and over again
- the lack of focus of the details of the techniques
- the same technical drillings
- the lack of high paced drillings
- the lack of application of the techniques via positionnal sparrings
- the short time of a BJJ class to only allow techniques drillings and little sparring (2-3 rolls only)

in my situation:
- the white belts are separated so they drill fundamental techniques
- the other colored belts are drilling advanced techniques
- the fast paced drillings are implemented
- the positionnal sparring as well
- 2-3 techniques only to be drilled
- 4 - 6 sparring per course
- open mats of 2 hours with other affiliates to do sparring all the 2 hours.