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I never knew how hard Asian men have it in the dating scene until I hooked my friend up on a date


Never understood why some guys take this personally. Plenty of white girls love BBC, but what does that matter to me? Go get you a few, black bros. You like what you like.

Different stereotypes, in general a persons buttons get pushed when the particular unwanted stereotype of that persons race is being brought up or promoted. He's just countering with his own unwanted stereotypes about other groups. Works both ways so I can't say I really blame him.

For white men its the stereotype that they are all racist.
For black men its the stereotype that they are all violent.
For asian men its the stereotype that they are all weak or feminine.
Different stereotypes, in general a persons buttons get pushed when the particular unwanted stereotype of that persons race is being brought up or promoted. He's just countering with his own unwanted stereotypes about other groups. Works both ways so I can't say I really blame him.

For white men its the stereotype that they are all racist.
For black men its the stereotype that they are all violent.
For asian men its the stereotype that they are all weak or feminine.

Its easy to just not care. Youre in charge of your own butt hurt level. He went strait to the worn out expat scenario. That's funny. Just like the whites are all racist. It's quite obviously not true, so why care? Unless it is a personal attack on your own character, internet jibber jabber is just that.
Sounds like she is a liberal racist.

Conservative racists are racist because they don't like black people.

Liberal racists are racist because they do like black people but for stupid, ignorant or shallow reasons.

Sounds like she figured since you're black, all your friends would be black and when she said she 'didn't care what race the guy is' she meant, 'I'm a white liberal racist and I want to have a fling with a black guy to talk about with my white friends to make myself sound interesting when we're all married to white guys in a couple of years.'
Its easy to just not care. Youre in charge of your own butt hurt level. He went strait to the worn out expat scenario. That's funny. Just like the whites are all racist. It's quite obviously not true, so why care? Unless it is a personal attack on your own character, internet jibber jabber is just that.

IDK, how much he or anyone else really cares, maybe he just wanted to leave a little jab back at whoever and bounce. Theres been quite a few jabs at asians in this thread, and nothing the other way back, he was the first to fire back, maybe its a defense mechanism, maybe he wanted to even up a bit.

Its easy to say we shouldn't care, but how many people really live that day to day? I would estimate very few. Even the ones that claim they don't care whatsover by things they read in a forum, watch on TV, internet, etc. probably slip up more times than they can remember. But in general we should strive to not care, but for now we call those people monks.
IDK, how much he or anyone else really cares, maybe he just wanted to leave a little jab back at whoever and bounce. Theres been quite a few jabs at asians in this thread, and nothing the other way back, he was the first to fire back, maybe its a defense mechanism, maybe he wanted to even up a bit.

Its easy to say we shouldn't care, but how many people really live that day to day? I would estimate very few. Even the ones that claim they don't care whatsover by things they read in a forum, watch on TV, internet, etc. probably slip up more times than they can remember. But in general we should strive to not care, but for now we call those people monks.
Well I certainly didn't say he was racist or shouldn't comment back. I understand if he wants to do it, but it doesn't help anything. It just hurts your own position if your position is one that we shouldn't talk crap about an entire race or whatever.

Also, you can care and not feel the need to come back with nasty replies. Of course, it is hard not to do. You're right, we all have a certain limit to what we can read and not get so heated about it.
Well I certainly didn't say he was racist or shouldn't comment back. I understand if he wants to do it, but it doesn't help anything. It just hurts your own position if your position is one that we shouldn't talk crap about an entire race or whatever.

Also, you can care and not feel the need to come back with nasty replies. Of course, it is hard not to do. You're right, we all have a certain limit to what we can read and not get so heated about it.

Yea but the ones that don't reply with nasty comebacks still get called 'salty asians'. Reading through the thread most of the asian posters here replied with sensible comments about thier own personal experiences and successes in dating, yet they still get called 'salty'. Then one guy fires back and now he's the only guy in the wrong here and asians are the ones being salty in the thread even though its only been 1 guy.

So obviously being the nice guy and refraining from firing back is not working on a certain level. Its a dichotomy because you have a group of people calling another group of peoples men weak and feminine cowards, but when they do speak up they're told that they're just salty or jealous.

TBF the guy was trying to bring up statistics to back up his statements and the replies were mostly "ha, ha another salty asian". So there is a certain degree of stereotyping from both sides. One thing you have to understand is men generally don't like it when their race is being called bitches or feminine, even if its one of these "race realist' type of things.
Well, in my experience befriending other Koreans (I am Korean Brazilian-Argentinian)
Koreans from the mainland are usually effeminate (not the old school folks, but the urban millenials), but their girly acting attracts a lot of Asian girls somehow
Korean Americans try to act tough but they tend to be crybabies with daddy issues (with the exception of Roof Koreans...never mess with them) no wonder why they lose their girls to other people.
Korean Brazilians and South Americans tend to act crazy, but are somehow well adjusted, and women love it.
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Well, in my experience befriending other Koreans (I am Korean Brazilian)
Koreans from the mainland are effeminate (not the old school folks, but the urban millenials), but their girly acting attracts a lot of Asian girls somehow
Korean Americans try to act tough but they tend to be crybabies with daddy issues (with the exception of Roof Koreans...never mess with them) no wonder why they lose their girls to other people.
Korean Brazilians and South Americans tend to act crazy, but are somehow well adjusted, and women love it.

Those girly Koreans attract white girls too. K-pop is doing weird things. I don't understand it. Agree with your assessment of Korean Americans. Some of my best friends are Korean American but I don't like hanging out with most Korean Americans in general. They try way too hard. Can't speak for Koreans from South America but the people I met in general seem to be chill. I know one Korean girl who used to live in Brazil and she is one of the sweetest, coolest people I know.
I always hear this, but I know a few asian dudes that do really well for themselves.
Well, in my experience befriending other Koreans (I am Korean Brazilian-Argentinian)
Koreans from the mainland are usually effeminate (not the old school folks, but the urban millenials), but their girly acting attracts a lot of Asian girls somehow
Korean Americans try to act tough but they tend to be crybabies with daddy issues (with the exception of Roof Koreans...never mess with them) no wonder why they lose their girls to other people.
Korean Brazilians and South Americans tend to act crazy, but are somehow well adjusted, and women love it.

You're only seeing a subset of Koreans, the ones that tend to travel to place like Brazil and other Western countries usually come from wealthier familiies, more pampered. You ain't seeing the regular Koreans, drunk Ajusshis that would wreck you, village Koreans, ghetto Koreans, etc.

Remember too that all Koreans do 3 year military service, tend to sleep less and work more, more active lifestyle. Tbh you might think they're feminine but most westerners wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace of their lifestyles, school all day, hang out, get drunk, come home and sleep at 2 wake up at 7, every single day, way more durable, less bitchy and pampered. They might look more feminine but when things get tough I bet most of them would be more composed than most South Americans or North Americans. You're only tough on the exterior, not when crisis hits.

If you go to Korea too you might be surprised that they aren't all pushovers, going over there and trying to act tough because your south american isn't going to get you any cred there. Peeps there like to scrap quite a bit and are a bit bigger than you think too, same average height as Americans. I"ve known of one South American Korean who went over there and acted tough and got stabbed, so its not all kpop and starcraft, know what I'm sayin.

I"ve known many South American asians/koreans before though, and most of them are chill. Korean americans in general aren't crybabies though, I disagree with that. Assholes yes, but not crybabies.
Remember too that all Koreans do 3 year military service, tend to sleep less and work more, more active lifestyle. Tbh you might think they're feminine but most westerners wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace of their lifestyles, school all day, hang out, get drunk, come home and sleep at 2 wake up at 7, every single day, way more durable, less bitchy and pampered. They might look more feminine but when things get tough I bet most of them would be more composed than most South Americans or North Americans. You're only tough on the exterior, not when crisis hits.

It's less than 2 years now. And yes they are crybabies. I'm not saying there aren't any tough guys in Korea, but I don't get why everybody points to mandatory military service as evidence that they are supposedly tough. If anything that makes them weaker. Conscription weakens the populace.

Don't know. Don't care. I'm too damn lit to give a damn.

This is the right attitude to have. Threads like this are always funny to me because it ignores one of the most important things about dating: attitude and how you present yourself to the world. Stop being so hung up on race. An asian guy who complains about his race for his ability not get laid is failing to take responsibility for himself and the things he can take control over. In my early 20s I was a socially retarded asian manlet in the midwest and I still somehow find myself with white girlfriends. Being older, more confident, more active, and more fit (still a manlet though) I have a lot more control over whether or not I meet women. So obviously race isn't the deciding factor! Two guys I hang out a lot with are these two white dudes who are good looking and tall with active personalities. They definitely get looks from women when we enter a bar together, but there are women who ignore them and respond to me, for whatever reason. Not every girl wants a white dude, and there is more to a person than just his race.

To further my point, I know two guys who use their race as an excuse. One is a white guy who is in Korea as an English teacher. The other is of Korean descent (the same friend I made a thread about). The white dude is a quite fit and normal looking dude, but socially awkward and negative (also my height). Going against the common conception that it is easy for white guys, he would fail with every chick he hit on and he would incessantly complain about it, just like the Korean guy. The white guy would always say that Korean girls just want a tall Korean dude despite clearly seeing other white guys succeed. My Korean friend also enjoys complaining that Korean girls want white guys, despite seeing evidence to the contrary right in front him. It was funny seeing these two complain the girls want a white guy/Korean guy, while sitting in the same literal venue.

What i'm saying is if you take responsibility instead of whining about "your race" (or whatever you want to complain about) you can have control over your life more, including how you meet women.
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It's less than 2 years now. And yes they are crybabies. I'm not saying there aren't any tough guys in Korea, but I don't get why everybody points to the military service as evidence that they are supposedly tough. If anything that makes them weaker. Conscription weakens the populace.

This is the right attitude to have. Threads like this are always funny to me because it ignores one of the most important things about dating: attitude and how you present yourself to the world. Stop being so hung up on race. An asian guy who complains about his race for his ability not get laid is failing to take responsibility for himself and the things he can take control over. In my early 20s I was a socially retarded asian manlet in the midwest and I still somehow find myself with white girlfriends. Being older, more confident, more active, and more fit (still a manlet though) I have a lot more control over whether or not I meet women. So obviously race isn't the deciding factor! Two guys I hang out a lot with are these two white dudes who are good looking and tall with active personalities. They definitely get looks from women when we enter a bar together, but there are women who ignore them and respond to me, for whatever reason. Not every girl wants a white dude, and there is more to a person than just his race.

To further my point, I know two guys who use their race as an excuse. One is a white guy who is in Korea as an English teacher. The other is of Korean descent (the same friend I made a thread about). The white dude is a quite fit and normal looking dude, but socially awkward and negative (also my height). Going against the common conception that it is easy for white guys, he would fail with every chick he hit on and he would incessantly complain about it, just like the Korean guy. The white guy would always say that Korean girls just want a tall Korean dude despite clearly seeing other white guys succeed. My Korean friend also enjoys complaining that Korean girls want white guys, despite seeing evidence to the contrary right in front him. It was funny seeing these two complain the girls want a white guy/Korean guy, while sitting in the same literal venue.

What i'm saying is if you take responsibility instead of whining about "your race" (or whatever you want to complain about) you can have control over your life more, including how you meet women.

Come here, damn it. I want to give you a hug...
It's less than 2 years now. And yes they are crybabies. I'm not saying there aren't any tough guys in Korea, but I don't get why everybody points to mandatory military service as evidence that they are supposedly tough. If anything that makes them weaker. Conscription weakens the populace.

If it wasn't for Conscription most of Koreatown LA wouldn't exist right now, military men of my fathers age were some of the toughest men in Korea at the time. My own family has a strong military tradition as well.

And tbh when I compare it to men of similar age in western countries, theres no ounce of doubt whos tougher, the Koreans for sure, living in poverty in the 70s shaped them.

Modern young people in both the west and Korea are generally crybabies yes, but westerners more so imo. Koreans are more disciplined you can't just act like a jackass over there and yell at your parents and teachers and then call child services like a pussy.
If it wasn't for Conscription most of Koreatown LA wouldn't exist right now, military men of my fathers age were some of the toughest men in Korea at the time. My own family has a strong military tradition as well.

And tbh when I compare it to men of similar age in western countries, theres no ounce of doubt whos tougher, the Koreans for sure, living in poverty in the 70s shaped them.

Modern young people in both the west and Korea are generally crybabies yes, but westerners more so imo. Koreans are more disciplined you can't just act like a jackass over there and yell at your parents and teachers and then call child services like a pussy.

And Korea wouldn't exist if it wasn't backed by the most powerful military in the world that also happens to be an all volunteer force manned by "crybaby westerners." I don't know how you can quantify such qualities and measure them. I will from my own observations in the military say that Conscription weakens combat effectiveness and it is a great channel for the government to shove propaganda down the throats of half the population. If you consider an obedient populace to be "tough" than I guess you're right. And who gives a shit about toughness anyway.

I have a feeling if you lived in Korea for a few years and really dived into the culture, you'd find your idealism about their discipline, respect, and toughness shattered. I like being in Korea and there are many things about Korea I like over the US, but discipline and respect isn't on that list.
She didnt even mention the size, was he 3 inches orwhat? its weird because i think she is bisexual, so why would penis size matter if she likes women too? Women have no penis, its more of that female confusion illogic going on.

Most of my non black friends tell me they never approach black women because they dont feel their penis is big enough, a lot of black women penis is very important, i used to hear some of my female relatives clowning on guys who only had 7 inches, they were like girl if he only got an average seven he better be rich and they laughed hard.

an actual legit 7 incher is bigger than like 95% of population. women proven have bad spacial awarness and not know sizes. in any case thickness matters more after a certain length.

White women are also the most unfaithful, its why white dudes are marrying asian women and latinas.

in a western world USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, NZ sure I bet they are it the culture. White girls from east europe much better way more racist but that tribalism and their often religious and cultural values even old Soviet mentality helps make many them good partners. They know the role a woman should play. Sure they some loyal ones USA though.

But is not black girls in USA also easy? Though not for all race men. Easy white girls bang anything not asian, or indian just to try it it seems.
lol@sherdog. any time someone mentions a black or asian guy, its always about the penis. Simpletons need to see the world in clearly defined extremes, with the "neutral" white race in the middle.




these three articles illustrate the obsessiveness that white males have about nonwhite penis.

cause western white boys are fucking weridos!

look BBC mention yet again in UFC subforum first page!


black men do not talk like this. only white men who fetishize blacks do

I'm a brown/mediteranean latin guy only been USA once but i notice this since i be on this forum and a bodybuilding one. I think in west white guys make fun of asian penis because they are cucked by black men. black rappers, black athletes etc are rebels and badass and now you got obsessed them in porno.

Anytime an athletic black guy mention or black men instantly people start talking about 'BBC'. which is weird to me that whites and you americans fetishize and worship black so much. And not all black big only west and central africans.

and lol even your women
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