How long does your workout session last?

I usually work a double end or heavy bag (with lots of movement, slipping and ducking) for 12x3 rounds, or maybe 7x5 min rounds, with 45 secs rest in between.

Then 4-8 rounds of the Fenech circuit a couple hours later, after meal.
When i used to lift about 45 mins or an hour in and out. I don't shower or socialize at the gym. Mma gym is totally different though sometimes we shoot the shit for like an hour before any actual training
usually an hour to an hour and a half however I can speed it up or slow it down depending if I have something to do or just feel like staying more time

To be honest nowadays I work out strictly for fun, you know how when you are young you go play basketball or play soccer for fun? ok thats exactly what I do when I go to the gym, I enjoy the activity of pulling and pushing and feeling the strength in my body, I know enough exercises that I work out intuitively, I dont have goals, I dont care about being bigger or stronger I work out according to how my body feels... I understand not everybody would be able to have this approach but it works for me, Im in great shape, I work out often and I have fun everytime. I work out usually 5 to 6 days a week, if I would feel like not going to the gym then I wouldnt go, but like I said to me is fun to work out.
I do 30 minutes very slow treadmill, then I lift 40 sets in 45 minutes, and do another very slow 30 minutes on a treadmill. You will never see me in a gym's advertisements, unless it's April 1st.
You’re skinny fat
30-45 minutes

3-4 times a week. Typically every other day, but I'll take a two day break a couple times a month if I'm not feeling it.
6 times per week. Been trying to shed and cut the last couple of months.

about an hour and a half twice a week doing either an hour upper body/lower body splits with a short 30 min HIIT after. For the other 4 days 45-60 min cardio sessions
1.5 hours

1 hour of lifting, 30 minutes of cardio at the end

This is where I'm at.

I run 10 minutes first to warm up (I'm old)
About an hour of weights
Around 20 minutes of Interval running
Probably longer than it should. Doing a powerlifting routine I spend a ton of time resting and setting up and taking off weights. My deadlift workout itself can take like over a half hour.
2 hours, 5-6 days a week. One hour for weights one hour for cardio. I don’t talk or socialize at the gym, I just put my headphones on and bang
Couple of minutes on days I have teh runs, quite a bit longer on days I'm constipated.
Anywher from 30 minutes if I'm doing a quick jumprope or kettlebell session up to 15-20 hours if I'm climbing a peak when training for dall sheep hunting.
I train about 9-10 hours a day. 7 days a week, don't miss a day.

Current max bench press is somewhere around the 2,000 Ibs range

Current max deadlift is somewhere around the 2,850 Ibs range

Current max squat is currently at 6,182 Ibs

I do roughly between 900 and 950 push ups a day.

Current pic of me, so you can see my workout results, maybe it will be able to motivate you too.


@Cint can confirm
An hour to an hour and a half or so(including warm up and stretching afterwards).
1 to 2 hours with warm up and cool down. The heavier I lift, the longer the rest between sets if maxing out.
I do Monday to Friday. Monday is chest and triceps, tues is hard cardio for about 1 hour, weds is back and biceps, Thursday cardio, Friday legs. I usually do 3 exercises per muscle group and do about 12-16 working sets. For cardio is 99% running, hill sprints for sets, jogging etc. I would workout on the weekend but I’m just too tired from the weekday so I sit on my ass and do nothing for 2 days and recover.
1.5 - 2 hrs.

This includes warm up, mobility, skill work, Strength work, Prehab / rehab, stretching.

I am sure I could easily train for 3 hours if I had the time.
Used to be 60 mins give or take 5 but now I've stretched it out to 100 at least. Hoping to nail down 2 hours soon.

Cardio mainly. Rower. Treadmill. Some other stuff.