How accomplished do you feel in life?


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
0%= worthless bum not worthy of oxygen. Unhappy.

50% = almost there in terms of home, family, kids,good job, skills and knowledge, found meaning. Happy.

100%= established, consolidated your life, have kids, extatic.

I'm at 80%. It was a long hard road and we can lose it all in the blink of an eye.
Be honest with yourself. That is the hardest thing to do. From knowing your weaknesses you will become stronger. Never give up.
I'm pretty up there, 85%.
My problems now are mostly my brain malfunctioning and requiring surgery.
My daughter is wonderful and hardly needs worry.
I’m wealthy, strong, fit, married to a beautiful wife, with fantastic kids, own a lovely home in a lovely place and have a great job at a great company with lots of perks. I’ve also long outgrown materialism so I have no debt and no need for silly status symbols (even though I could have them if I wanted, I guess).

I’m sure a disaster is just round the corner, but today I could not be more on top of the world.
Only thing i accomplished was getting a degree and gaining absurd amounts of weight. Sadly some of my college roommates dont even recognize me anymore but fuck it we all die someday i rather die happy wtth a full belly.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn one time.
I am now at 25% ran into scary health problems but have reversed symptoms and regained my health. I am over a year sober now aswell. I got 10 dollars to my name but now have my health with a clear mind and new lease on life. Things are better with my family and I am back home, they are helping me out as I am in the process of joining the Military. May not have any money but I dont have any debt either.

Life is only moving in one direction for me - forward, and at a steady pace too. My future is very bright for the first time in my 27 years, happy and excited even at 25%
I'm sober, healthy and alive. That's pretty good in my book.
By your definition I'm at a 100%. But I can't stay still, there is always more goals, more things I want to do.
I have something wrong with my brain that never lets me fully enjoy anything or feel satisfied. I know some people will say that's a good thing, but it's really not. I never really get to live in the moment or enjoy any accomplishments.
I'm doing alright for somebody like me.
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I feel like I have lived a really exciting life. My life would make an interesting story. I shouldn't even be here right now, I should have died, twice, and somehow spit in the face of death and am still here. Posting on sherdog.

As silly as it is to say my biggest accomplishment is not being dead

Right now is kind of boring though. Need to change up some things in life. I have a lot more money than most people my age, yet no great career path funny enough.
im up there, like 85% or something i have all the material shit i could have wished for and money, my family is good and happy, i have sherdog, im alright, its good
Only thing i accomplished was getting a degree and gaining absurd amounts of weight. Sadly some of my college roommates dont even recognize me anymore but fuck it we all die someday i rather die happy wtth a full belly.
So based on your criteria I can't be happy if I don't have kids?
The way I see my friends, I could easily say it should be the other way around.
I'm married to a beautiful blonde woman, make a lot more money than I ever expected to make, no kids, but planning on it. My job is difficult and stressful but I'm good at it. My home life is great, the stress from work rarely seeps in once I've crossed the threshold into my condo. I live in the city and can walk anywhere I want to go. I'd give it an 85, I want kids but won't have one for over a year, and who knows what will happen between now and then.
So based on your criteria I can't be happy if I don't have kids?
The way I see my friends, I could easily say it should be the other way around.

The only purpose of life is reproduction. Your galactic foot print. Happiness is subjective.