friends from high school

You always used to sleep in class @Cint

And I would always observe and keep an eye on what the sheikh was telling the muslims in class @Cint

Why didn't you wake me up? I missed my favorite period lunch. @HI SCOTT NEWMAN

nah, my real friends are from college and after college.
Got one of my best buds from elementary school working on my house. I keep in touch and hang with a good number of them
I had two best friends in high school one moved away right after school who I still txt during the UFCs and visit during the holidays when the comes to visit his parents, the other I still see almost everyday as we are a select few from our class who never moved away.
You just change too much over the years.
There's one guy from high school (middle school actually) that I'm still close with.... from a group of about 7 of us who said all the same bullshit of "we're always going to stay close".

A couple of years after college is when we all really started drifting apart
I was a loner in high school . I still am.
I had a few acquiantences I hung out with but I didnt consider them friends.
Looking back, I often regret not forming stronger relationships during high school.
Other than my wife and her sister, no. I have a few childhood friends I still keep in touch with and hang out with whenever we're in the same city, same with a few folks from university, but high school and middle school is pretty much nothing.
I'd say in the last 8 years I have lost all contact with my group of high school friends. It sucks but I just kind of put it down to "that's life sometimes". A bunch of them got married and have kids and slowly we all just stopped hanging out and, eventually, drifted apart. I can honestly say I have no idea what any of them are up to and that kind of sucks. I took a different route in life and I know that caused me to be the first person in the group everyone lost contact with. Though, if I am being 100% honest with myself, I never really put in a lot of effort to maintain those relationships.
I have maybe two left.

you grow apart from people or they get families and don't hang out any more.

people also change and you also are different from who you used to be in high school so those friendships might dissolve.
I talk to a couple of them here and there and see them maybe once a year.
Growing apart is a part of life but i still hang with a couple of friends from High school and others i've lost touch with. To be honest i only see the ones i keep in touch with about 4 to 5 times a year. Nowadays im so busy with kids, work, and the wifey that i really dont have the urge to go out with friends. I hangout with my work friends a lot more now as we see each other in person and plans get made. Having said all that i'd like to think that i will keep in touch with the couple of high school friends through life but the future is impossible to predict.
i had a falling out bout 2 years ago with my best friend from highschool because me and his gf couldnt get along, and now i dont really talk to him. its alright, ive got a topless photo of his gf. that is not why we had a falling out though.

over the last 5 years specifically i disconnected alot from people in school, i just stopped going to things and meeting them. but when ever i did on the odd chance once or twice a year it was as if nothing had changed, so the bonds and relationships are still all there, despite me not being there.
Was this friend of yours brown (south asian)? ;)
I had one or two solid friends I talk to everyday. Even still to this day. Everybody else is just someone I know.
All of my friends are people I grew up with. We went our separate ways after college, then all got back together after university and whatever else we did.

All the friends I've made since then are superficial friendships.
Was this friend of yours brown (south asian)? ;)
i dont have a story about seeing a friend's gf's boobs but unfortunately i've seen drama between friends due to gf's and wives....pretty pathetic but it may be due to the type of guys i know.
went to two HS, one in WA and one in VA
have not seen a single person from the Seattle area, am still friends w/ many from the VA school but being a military dependent we moved around a lot so it was hard preMyspace/FB to keep in touch