Former Big Rigg fan here

I wouldn't say that he is lazy. I'd say that he is undisciplined in his diet and prefers to cut as much water weight as possible rather than reduce body fat in order to make weight. There are hundreds of lower-level fighters who are much leaner than him who are willing to make the diet sacrifices. He is wasting his talent and it's a shame, really.
I don't think he needs to be cutting any weight. Isn't that why he moved up?

His kidneys might be fucked. He could still just make 185. He obviously can't cut.. so diet and walk around at 185. That's clearly what he needs to do
I was his a big fan and when he moved up to MW I thought that, alright I think that they are too big for you, but lets see what you got.
Maybe, if you can eat what you want while not having to worry about weight you can get back to your old performances.
This is really not a funny meme anymore, this is tragical.
I'm done defending him in every comment section and I'm done being a fan.
Absolutely ridiculous, really did not see this coming.
This guy is same the height as Conor and he can't make even fucking 185 pounds.
You Were never his true fan, you are a band wagon who loved the KO's but abandons the athlete when things get rough.

How will he go on with his life now that you are not there to defend him in every comment section? :(