Fighters who talked the most trash and got destroyed and looked like fools after

The only reason you guys are talking about his out of MMA exploits is because he is because he got his ass beat badly in the sport.

bro, shut the fuck up. You run that cockholster like a woman. never shutting up. we get it, you like to get rammed in your nest by the eagle
GSP - Kosh
Jones - Rampage
Jones - Evens
Jones - Sonnen
GSP - Serra
Anderson - Sonnen
GSP - BJ Penn
Conor - Diaz
Conor - Floyd
Conor - Khabib
Ronda - Holm
Bisping - Hendo
Chuck - Tito
Rampage - Evens
Not trash talking per se but Aleks murdering Thompson after that stare down and attempt at intimidation was hilarious.
The loudest are the weakest and the quietest are the ones you gotta watch out for.
Not really. Plenty of loud athletes are mentally tough and plenty of quite athletes are mentally weak. It goes both ways
James Vick getting starched was fun, "Future world champ" lol
Didn't Chris Leben say something about sending Anderson Silva back to the minor leagues before their bout?



Jesus dude got beheaded.
LOL whatever! He is playing a character! You think he is like that in real life? He does what needs to be done so he does not have to worry financially after he retires, like most man fighters struggle to do!

That's why he is clever! And that's why I understand what he does.

It's not only a character. He is a trash talker in his gym which was confirmed by his coach. Also was it just his "character" who threw the dolly at the bus and shoved the ref?
This is way to logical and difficult for posters to understand.

They really think Conor acts like his persona in real life when interacting with family and fans

Joanna's "boogie woman" thing is the only correct answer
Kavanagh said McConner is actually like that in regular day to day life. Said McConner can’t help and talk trash even when rolling at the gym
Damn bro youre so worked up over this that you had to bust out the large bolded fonts?
Let me see if I can calm you down a little and get you back to reality
Aldo talked a lotta shit before that fight, calling Conor a jester and referring to himself as the king

Remember this?


And then this happened



Which means I clearly understood the OP and gave a perfect example

Meanwhile youre ranting in anger and bringing up Ronda in response to me for some unknown reason
Relax bro you are trying to troll....
I didnt use any caps (ex. CAPS), and no exclamation points (ex !!!).
Come to think of it..i didnt use any profanity either.
So...where does the anger come in?

Whats also interesting is that i posted one photo of connor getting murdered in response to your comment and you immediately went to the Jose Aldo and im angry attacks <Lmaoo>
BTW, Aldo is irrelevant and has been for a very long time...but this guy isnt:

Khabib Nurmagomedov

For the record, Jon Jones and GSP = Most likely Goats.
Regardless...Conor has talked more shit than even Chael.
And, id say this last fight, was, by far the most humiliating for conor. least in the diaz fight...conor barely won...and the second fight...was choked out in the first one tho.
But this fight?
Conor was raped...and all that shit talking meant absolutely nothing and couldnt save conor from that mauling.
Its really embarrassing.

Youre trying too hard.
Funny as to how even other people are even calling you out on your post....<45>
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We don't know what he's like in real life. If he was playing a character to sell more ppv's than he deserves the backlash because that's the price of talking trash to make money and getting humiliated after. Get off his dick already it's disgusting.

Don't be an idiot! All your life mate! Because I have an opinion that is different to yours, that's makes me an instant Conor lover! lol

It quite obvious that he is playing a character, and it works because people like you are obsessed with him, and the lovers are obsessed with him, and that makes him Rich, succesful and popular. Why else do you think he has the 3 top highest ppv in ufc?

He had a plan to get rich quick, and it worked. People can hate him or love him all they want. They made him lol
Nailed it. If he is lame enough to play a douchbag shit talking money hungry idiot, then thats who he is........

LOL Seriously, he would be nothing without people like you obsessed by him.