Ever travel without plans?

Spend a lot of money to travel and not plan to take advantage of soaking in everything you could? I went somewhere and later regretted not going to a few places outside the city.
I booked a hotel and bought tickets for the event, but other than that my road trip to UFC Saskatoon was an unplanned lurid tale of drinking, MDMA and being inside of my first hooker for 10 seconds before my friend ruined everything.

What'd he do?
I always travel without planning and go to the next destination on a whim. I don't like to plan stuff and have a schedule to follow, it makes me anxious.

I'm the opposite. I'd get totally bad anxiety if I went on a trip with nothing planned. I don't know why.

Anyways last Thanksgiving me and my roommate had nothing to do, so we just randomly decided to go check out the Grand Canyon, seeing how it's one of the wonders of the world. It was alright I guess. I pictured it as a place you could just drive by and check out like the beach. Turns out you have to go inside the damn place and take a bus around. We got bored really quick and just left.