Duterte's War on Drugs


Brown Belt
Jan 4, 2015
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For those who don't know Rodrigo Duterte, President of The Philippines, has decided to approach the war on drugs in his country by executing drug users.

My wife and I just had an animated discussion over this as she feels that he is insanely wrong for doing this and should be considered a criminal for doing so. I never disagreed with her views but I kept asking her a question that I will now ask you guys.......

What else can Duterte, or anyone else for that matter, do to SERIOUSLY CRACK DOWN on drugs???!! Going after the drug pushers is completely pointless because of the dirty political players involved in the drug game. It would take far too much resources to lock up and/or rehab drug addicts; not to mention some drug addicts do prove (and have proved) to essentially be unable to be rehabilitated.

There is a mindset that many vegans and vegetarians have in which they focus on converting people from meat eaters to plant eaters. The logic behind this is that meat eaters are who keep the meat, egg and milk producers in business. If the world no longer had meat eaters then the meat producers would be out of business. So I'm wondering if this is the same sort of logic that President Duterte is operating with.

Who here agrees with Rodrigo Duterte's approach to the drug problem in his country? Who here disagrees? What other viable options are there that should be explored?

Let's discuss this Sherbros.
It may not be the most popular view, but I have no problem with Duterte wiping out the scum of society with brutal force. It is time to clean the filth out of the Philippines.

Any discussion like this I ask myself if it was done to my brother/father or mother, would I be ok with it. If I would then I would support it. If your parents or wife developed a drug addiction. Would you be ok with them being executed?
I would take drug use over my government executing citizens without trial.
To more directly answer,

It's possible that nothing can be done than what governments are doing. With the exception of going the other way and legalizing it all.

So again moving into illegal and tyrannical options is not acceptable
Any discussion like this I ask myself if it was done to my brother/father or mother, would I be ok with it. If I would then I would support it. If your parents or wife developed a drug addiction. Would you be ok with them being executed?

To more directly answer,

It's possible that nothing can be done than what governments are doing. With the exception of going the other way and legalizing it all.

So again moving into illegal and tyrannical options is not acceptable

Okay, so what VIABLE options are there that have yet to be explored? If drug use is a big problem that needs to be cleaned up what else can a government do that works?
I believe in personal freedoms. I think drugs should be legal as long as your usage doesn't harm others.

Government murdering people for personal choices and victimless crimes seems horrific.
Any discussion like this I ask myself if it was done to my brother/father or mother, would I be ok with it. If I would then I would support it. If your parents or wife developed a drug addiction. Would you be ok with them being executed?

That's the thing, MOST people would not be ok with their loved ones being executed for this reason but probably would not feel as strongly if it were other peoples' loved ones. So I think it boils down to how badly you want to see the drug problem in your country eradicated once and for all and WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE THAT WOULD WORK if not Duterte's approach?
He, and all other governments can get the fuck out of the business of dictating what people can and can not do with their bodies. No type of prohibition works, has ever worked, or will ever work. It's as simple as that. Anyone saying otherwise is an ignorant fool.
Okay, so what VIABLE options are there that have yet to be explored? If drug use is a big problem that needs to be cleaned up what else can a government do that works?

Again, there may be no more viable options.

What we have most of the time in this world is choosing the lesser of two evils.

We've seen what drugs have done to communities, countries, and civilizations.

We've seen what tyranny has done.

I know where I stand.
I'm over here right now. I have been for the last 3 days. If I spent the same amount of time cruising the Las Vegas strip, I would have seen more criminal activity. Everything is way overblown by the media.
I believe in personal freedoms. I think drugs should be legal as long as your usage doesn't harm others.

And here is where it starts to get heated for some people. I think you know just as well as everyone else here that drug users DO harm others. Many of them rob and kill for it. Some sell their own children or allow others to have their way with them (their kids) for their own drug gain. There are people who abandon their children because their fix was more important to them and kids have gotten hold of mommy and/or daddy's drugs and suffered very bad consequences.

If we say that drug use does not harm anyone in any country then we would not be very honest with ourselves.
And here is where it starts to get heated for some people. I think you know just as well as everyone else here that drug users DO harm others. Many of them rob and kill for it. Some sell their own children or allow others to have their way with them (their kids) for their own drug gain. There are people who abandon their children because their fix was more important to them and kids have gotten hold of mommy and/or daddy's drugs and suffered very bad consequences.

If we say that drug use does not harm anyone in any country would then we would not be very honest with ourselves.
Research Portugals drug decriminalization policy. It's a case study over 10+ years in a country of 10 million + people. Anyone involved in this conversation should do the same at the minimum.
And here is where it starts to get heated for some people. I think you know just as well as everyone else here that drug users DO harm others. Many of them rob and kill for it. Some sell their own children or allow others to have their way with them (their kids) for their own drug gain. There are people who abandon their children because their fix was more important to them and kids have gotten hold of mommy and/or daddy's drugs and suffered very bad consequences.

If we say that drug use does not harm anyone in any country then we would not be very honest with ourselves.

I think a big problem that skews people's perspective on the drug issue is that many people are viewing the drug problem through a very comfortable middle class to upper class lens. It is one thing for people who have their lives together to engage in recreational drug use, but if a country is struggling with poverty, violence, prostitution and drugs, then drug use if far more of an issue than the "if it is not hurting anybody, then who cares?" reasoning that people living comfortable lives in wealthy countries like to use.
I don't support criminalizing or funding rehab / safe space for junkies. Basically I don't want pay any taxes to jail or help them -- basically leave them be. But a lot of them are just simply dredges and or resort to criminal activities to fund their addiction. I support jailing the ones who break laws to fund their habits.

Also, fuck meth heads -- shoot them all you wantm
I think a big problem that skews people's perspective on the drug issue is that many people are viewing the drug problem through a very comfortable middle class to upper class lens. It is one thing for people who have their lives together to engage in recreational drug use, but if a country is struggling with poverty, violence, prostitution and drugs, then drug use if far more of an issue than the "if it is not hurting anybody, then who cares?" reasoning that people living comfortable lives in wealthy countries like to use.

I agree with you. It's easy for a person who lives in a rose garden to say that a garbage dump doesn't smell bad.
I do too. The question is what do we do once we've exhausted all of our resources jailing these guys and can no longer pursue this option?

Yeah, I must say meth-heads are pretty bad. :(

What do you mean exhaust that option. The percentage of people in prison for crimes to fund their addiction is much smaller than the ones in for simple possession. If we legalized drugs and only jailed people who commited crimes to fund the addiction -- we would increase the resources available by decreasing total spending
And here is where it starts to get heated for some people. I think you know just as well as everyone else here that drug users DO harm others. Many of them rob and kill for it. Some sell their own children or allow others to have their way with them (their kids) for their own drug gain. There are people who abandon their children because their fix was more important to them and kids have gotten hold of mommy and/or daddy's drugs and suffered very bad consequences.

If we say that drug use does not harm anyone in any country then we would not be very honest with ourselves.

It is almost as if we should have laws against, robbing, killing and abandoning your children.

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