Does Mike Perry get in trouble for this?

No, UFC officials just shake their heads and assume that’s what inbreeding looks like.
The word ending in A is an affectionate term. It's the one ending in er that's racist I thought. Didn't 2pac say that?
Mike Perry is 0.2% afro-american, he is allowed to use the N-word.
Most low IQ humans get a pass for their slurs. Most figure Perry slums it worse than any normal human being so he doesn't know better and therefore is just laughed off.
This is sure to trigger Woodley. Lol. Platinum got that ancestry dna test and is now wilding out.
Of all the people in the world he chose TYRON to bring out the N____?

lmaoooo he has to be trolling

Well... Lets see if tyron will pull a kendrick lamar on him now or what

He is already getting shit TS (two people i follow already retweeted with backlash)

Dis gon b gud
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He shouldn't get in trouble because he didn't say anything racist he only said something racist from the perception of dumb people. (Intention is everything).

Pretty hilarious though that he's addressing Woodley of all people in that way lol