Does Forrest Griffin have the 2 most important consecutive wins in MMA history?

Beating the young phenom Shogun, that was terrifying everybody in Pride and many thought as the best P4P along with Fedor, and then beating Rampage for the UFC title, who himself was coming from 2 meaningful wins in Liddell and Hendo, also restablishing the UFC brand and proving that was really the house of the greatest fighters in the world.

What u guys say?
What did it mean when nog beat Sylvia for the UFC title or Shogun beat Machida for the UFC title?

These Pride vs UFC debates are probably one of the dumbest things I've endured in my decade plus of being here.
06-08 focused Rampage was such a treat to watch. I'll never be as invested in a fighter as I was watching him at that point (hence the username lol). But man. That bad decision and subsequent meltdown really fucked with him. Soon after he became the one track minded plod forward and wing overhand punches and it ruined him. Back when he used to mix up his striking and grappling he was amazing.
Rampage was my favorite fighter back then. Legit scary motherfucker. He was also funny as fuck in his interviews
weidman destroying prime, #1p4p anderson twice in 6 months
Bisping beating AS and Rockhold altered the path of the MW division forever.

Conor beating Nate and Alvarez launched him into orbit and made him larger than the sport.

I agree with both, but would add that Weidman beating Silva x 2 was history being re-shaped.

Edit: just saw the post above mine. Great minds :)
No, but I can see why you think that. Forrest Griffin was a massive over achiever, that was his appeal. Definitely an amazing feat.
I agree with both, but would add that Weidman beating Silva x 2 was history being re-shaped.

Edit: just saw the post above mine. Great minds :)
Weidman beating AS was just a changing of the guard. Old lion being beat by young lion. It was bound to happen eventually if it wasn't Weidman.

Bisping beating Rockhold was s regression of the division because as champ you had someone anyone in the top 10 would foaming at the mouth to fight. His fight with Henderson just reaffirmed it.
I won't bring logic into it if you keep the "what if"'s away from me LOL.
What if the ref had noticed that Matt Hughes was out when he "slammed Carlos Newton" (i.e. fell down unconscious).
Pretty different MMA world IF that would have happened.

If you're gonna talk about Rampage getting robbed, you might want to mention the completely insane decision win he had over Machida. Rampage walked into strikes for 5 rounds but two refs called that "aggression" and gave him the decision.
Again, christ, I acknowledged the Machida decision ITT already. FFS. Ninja was bullshit too. What do you clowns want from me?
I think he had the most important fight in the history with Bonnar imo bc it opened lots of eyes
Nate beating Conor 2 times in row.

Not the best in terms quality. Moreso for comedy.
Damn, Forrest defeated Shogun and Rampage, they were best 205s these days and look what Silva did to him

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