Do you miss being able to respect the UFC?

Do you miss meaningful title pictures?
Lineups that led to title shots?
Belt lineages that made sense, champs who defended titles without crazy delays, they did it without having to be "asked", they weren't fucking around outside the sport with a belt on ice, which would have been seen as fucking absurd and an embarrassment?

Don't some of you mma fans miss the UFC?
I respect the matchups we get but i share your overall opinion on the shit direction it's taking.
I feel embarrassed about admitting I follow the ufc after the last few years of freakshow events. I had hoped they would make mma a legitimate sport but that clearly hasn't happened. Still they have the best fighters and that's the reason I stick around.
Do you miss meaningful title pictures?
Lineups that led to title shots?
Belt lineages that made sense, champs who defended titles without crazy delays, they did it without having to be "asked", they weren't fucking around outside the sport with a belt on ice, which would have been seen as fucking absurd and an embarrassment?

Don't some of you mma fans miss the UFC?

When was this?

Under the Fertittas, people got title shots coming off losses, and Belfort and Lesnar got use exemptions. Fighter pay sucked, just like now.

The only difference with WME is they've quadrupled the UFC's debt, so more of their money is going toward interest/principal payments.
When was this?

Under the Fertittas, people got title shots coming off losses, and Belfort and Lesnar got use exemptions. Fighter pay sucked, just like now.

The only difference with WME is they've quadrupled the UFC's debt, so more of their money is going toward interest/principal payments.
It used to be far more often sensible than not.
Now it's far more often whatever makes the most money and fuck what makes sense.
It was pretty much always this way. I mean, I don't think Ken Shamrock earned that title shot at Tito Ortiz, unless the UFC were really impressed by his performance in the WWF King of the Ring tournament of 1998. Randy Couture used to get title shots in two different divisions coming off losses and retirement. It's always been a circus.
It used to be far more often sensible than not.
Now it's far more often whatever makes the most money and fuck what makes sense.

Granted, they're cutting their operation to ribbons to pay their debt from the buyout. Granted, their cards are generally lousy, many fighters are getting tossed out, and all the rest.

But under the Fertittas, Dana ran the UFC like a boxing promotion. They had freak shows (like signing CM Punk,) questionable use exemptions (like Belfort) and people getting title shots for no apparent reason.

I love the sport of MMA, and I love the fighters who dedicte so much to it. But then and now, the UFC has been run like a high-school popularity contest.
Bellator the place where faded stars go for their last hoorah.
Phil Davis
Ryan Bader
Rory MacDonald
Matt Mittrione
Lorenz Larkin
Semtex Daley

They don't look like faded to me, and as time goes by their rosters are getting better especially the welterweight.

What does the UFC have?

A 2 division champion competing in boxing?

And some champions whose not interested in defending their belt legitimately?
Granted, they're cutting their operation to ribbons to pay their debt from the buyout. Granted, their cards are generally lousy, many fighters are getting tossed out, and all the rest.

But under the Fertittas, Dana ran the UFC like a boxing promotion. They had freak shows (like signing CM Punk,) questionable use exemptions (like Belfort) and people getting title shots for no apparent reason.

I love the sport of MMA, and I love the fighters who dedicte so much to it. But then and now, the UFC has been run like a high-school popularity contest.
I can agree with this.
My biggest issue is that all the things I objected to before, they're doing more of, and taking things further in what I consider to be the wrong direction.
Instant title shots, fuck that
Instant rematches, fuck that
Never scheduling a belt defense, fuck that
Freak show fights, fuck that
Big name dabblers, fuck that
Meaningless belts and rankings, fuck that

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