Do you believe in God why or why not?


The mere existence of birth defects and other forms of innocent suffering is a glaring red flag to me, certainly for a 'system' designed by an all powerful, all knowing, and all GOOD being
I'm no religious nut but this is a fairly weak argument. Physical laws exist, we exist on the physical plane. Of course biochemical reactions can alter who we are. The idea of God or having a spirit doesn't negate physics.
We don't know if there is a god, but we (those of us who use intelligence) do know whether it exists or not is not relevant on a human level.

Basically, our ancestors made up a word, gave it some human properties, and now we are left wondering whether it exits or not. Wondering if god exists is no different than wondering if superman or spiderman exist. It is a waste of time.

If you want to know about the world, then you need self-awareness and science.
No. Because it's completely illogical and irrational.
Once we die, we take our turn on the Wheel of Time where Lims-Kragma decides if should come back as rodent, or as someone who will make it all the way to Operating Thetan 3.14159 and serve The Great Spaghetti Monster in the Sky until we join Zeus in Valhalla where we supervise Mohammad making love to 79 virgin monkey gods in order to appease Yahweh. Vishnu willing.

Bank on it.
I believe in God but in my own way. I don't like the whole church thing and frankly after attending a Christian University most if not all
come across as either hypocrites or are a little too thing is this - I know right from wrong and if I can help you out I will do so. That's all I can do here on earth is try my best to help others and try my best to be a good human being. With all that being said there are things around me like the the beauty of nature, women etc that solidify my belief in God. Does awful shit happen in the world? ....yes but good things happen as well and they are often overlooked
Yes. I believe Jesus is God.
So God sacrifycing his son was bullshit after all, if jesus was god.
He didn't even sacrifyce himself because he can't really die.
These kind of things are exactly why nothing in religion makes any sense and I just cannot believe any of it.
Science and logic for me all day everyday, religion has non of that for people who actually think about things and not just swallow everything.
I'm pretty sure religious people only believe because they have been brainwashed from birth by the people who raised them and after 10/20 years of hearing those things by people you should be able to trust , you actually believe it.
On paper I'm a christian, but I never believed, probably because I read the bible at age 7/8 and I knew nothing in there could possibly be real and my parents never brainwashed me by saying it was actually true.
Nope, because i understand that humans will lie to usurp money and power. And anything you think you know about god, came from a human.

Origin of god concept: Hmm, that guy over there sure is good at catching fish, but all I'm good at is telling lies and making up elaborate stories about bullshit. How can I use my skill to get him to give me some fish?
See my sig.

Sorry I am unable to clarify the meaning of life to everyone. Maybe tomorrow.
I don't have a problem with people going on faith and deciding, though. Religion has done a ton of positive for millions of people, and I think it's an asshole move to try to take that away from someone.

You know what's MORE of an asshole move?? Demanding that all others play the same sky fairy game. Not to mention kill in the name of said sky fairy.

The mere existence of birth defects and other forms of innocent suffering is a glaring red flag to me, certainly for a 'system' designed by an all powerful, all knowing, and all GOOD being

I saw a show yesterday where a baby lived 156 days with a heart defect. Born that way. I wonder what god was trying to accomplish with that one.
No, and when we die we become fertilizer.
i don't know, and i don't think anyone else does. it's a topic that i think is a waste in discussing, because i don't think there is an answer. it's unknowable.
i don't know, and i don't think anyone else does. it's a topic that i think is a waste in discussing, because i don't think there is an answer. it's unknowable.
it's unknowable because the "almighty" has chosen to make it unknowable. if there was an almighty. instead, god works in mysterious ways. conveniently.
No, not enough evidence. What happens after death is more of an interesting question. Evidence seems to suggest that once our brain stops working our consciousness stops existing too. But how consciousness arrises and if we could be able to artificially preserve it even after death are interesting scientific questions. With all that being said I don't mind religious people. All of the ones I've met have been rather lovely.