Destiny 2, v3: Forsaken looming

I 'm just trying to get everything atleast 385 but it has taken me since the warmind dlc to get my hunter & warlock to 383 and my titan to 396 with the solstice armour. With the way bungie made the drops and time gating powerful engrams it makes getting max level without doing the raids a pain. they said in yr2 though most drops should be atleast one light level above your current light level.

Running the raids normal is so easy theses days. Most people know how to run it and if you end up playing with people who don’t its always fun carrying them for a bit.

Just run the raid lair EOW. The first two chests are easy and if you struggle at first phase of Argos u can just bounce. I max leveled because of the raids it using the app to find people is so easy.
Trying to get the Solstice Armor masterworked. Ran the nightfall with some handicaps and got the minimum score needed for two of my characters.. Not too bad. Ran a handicap of 30 pts (all of us were level 390+) with Solar Burn, Momentum, Grounded, and Match Game. Seemed to work really well. We all had Worm and sniped the shit out of the boss into oblivion upon appearance..

Not too bad. This is my first time running Nightfall with handicap and I see the allure and fun in it..
like what? if you control all 3 points it locks for 20 seconds?..
it's more of them pushing fireteam play again and again control is already tedious enough playing with randoms now they did away with sbmm. Getting matched up with randoms some of which are well below lvl 20 and getting put against a stacked team that's actually playing the objective is BS. Having the zones locked down and hoping you don't get team shot in that time is annoying giving up zones you already captured is annoying. Having dipshit teammates that don't play the objective is fucked and them making the the objective even more critical is fucking over solo players.
it's more of them pushing fireteam play again and again control is already tedious enough playing with randoms now they did away with sbmm. Getting matched up with randoms some of which are well below lvl 20 and getting put against a stacked team that's actually playing the objective is BS. Having the zones locked down and hoping you don't get team shot in that time is annoying giving up zones you already captured is annoying. Having dipshit teammates that don't play the objective is fucked and them making the the objective even more critical is fucking over solo players.

I found nd it a bit refreshing. Locking this zones is no guarantee you will get points and after the lockout all 3 zones return to neutral. I ran one where the other two locked it out twice. First time put them up 40 to 11 score but the 2nd lockout gave them no gains cause we ended up defending and killing them all. Then we got our shit together and started locking them out.. we caught up at 100-100 and it was close till we went on a killing spree and beat them at the end. One of the most exciting match I ever played. It was different and fun IMO. I am sure I’ll get bored of it soon.
I wish the 28th update would drop already I so sick of this damn sins of the past, the colony, graviton lance, smg, and vigilance wing meta
the devs are a bunch a cunt fucks whoever decided to buff the arcstriders super needs castrated there's no fucking reason one hit should kill me while I have the hammer of sol active and a direct hit doesn't kill the hunter.
I like what they've done with IB. I like the lockdown on powerplays. I went into IB with a super low light level, using the green solstice armour on my warlock, and had no trouble keeping up.

I finished grinding out my Titan Solstice so I just started the warlock last night. It's going to be tough to get it finished before Solstice comes to an end but I'm going to try. I think I have a week.

The IB super kills is a real bitch. I seem to light my super up at the most inopportune times. I've had better luck using dawnblade than any other subclass but it's a slow-fucking-go now that Mayhem is gone. It's so strange how I can't get a single frigging kill with the Nova bomb, people just deake around it or whatever; but whenever someone throws one when I'm around it can seem to kill me when I am in the air 50 miles above it or off to the side 50 miles away.
I like what they've done with IB. I like the lockdown on powerplays. I went into IB with a super low light level, using the green solstice armour on my warlock, and had no trouble keeping up.

I finished grinding out my Titan Solstice so I just started the warlock last night. It's going to be tough to get it finished before Solstice comes to an end but I'm going to try. I think I have a week.

The IB super kills is a real bitch. I seem to light my super up at the most inopportune times. I've had better luck using dawnblade than any other subclass but it's a slow-fucking-go now that Mayhem is gone. It's so strange how I can't get a single frigging kill with the Nova bomb, people just deake around it or whatever; but whenever someone throws one when I'm around it can seem to kill me when I am in the air 50 miles above it or off to the side 50 miles away.

I had a shit lot of fun with it this week. It's a bit more hectic in a strategic way and promotes aggressiveness. I love going for that 3rd control to lockdown and/or defend that lockdown. And when it's locked I am either hunting for preys in those 30 seconds or running and hiding like a bitch (playing clamp down defense). I actually ended up roping 7 straight wins at one time playing solo with other randoms and had the top score on my team in 3 of those games. It was double and triple points this week/weekend so I am about 3-4 games to reaching legend a 2nd time for masterwork solstice. after that I just need 5 heroic strikes with my warlock to finish that set... hell of a grind but I wanted to finish it. I also found all those stupid chests and got all 400 pts for solstice accomplishments.

and yah man you shoulda grinded out those super kills the previous week with mayhem. I specifically saved it for two of my toons for it cause I didn't wanna go through the pain of getting all those super kills the normal way. and I feel you on the them scoring supers more easily than when you do it. try not to look for it and just play normally. I've shot that POS nova bomb above the player is he's landing from a jump and it would float away and I am like "WTF!? you're suppose to be tracking you super turd!"
Yeah bro, I agree with everything you posted and feel the same. I know NOW that I should've grinded out the kills during mayhem, but at the time I was only planning on getting the solstice for my Hunter because my vacation time was on and I was doing a lot of travelling. Before I knew it, I had managed to finish the titan too, so it was last minute for me to go for the Warlock and now I am struggling to play "catch up".

I got them all done last night for the green armour but I have no idea what's in store for the warlock blue armour. Ended up that I had the best luck when I switched to Stormcaller; I was getting between two to four kills per super on average. Tonight I am going to wrangle up a couple clan mates and get them to run all the story missions and heroic strikes and shit to try to finish off the green set, then go back to back to re-do the stupid story missions again (for the seventh time) and grind out the blue set as much as possible.

The only thing I need for the last 20 points for solstice accomplishments is to reach Vanguard rank 50, which can be done pretty quick I think with some strikes and bounties between all three characters. Wish me luck.
I need to take a break from this piece of rancid shit, at least till that update comes out.

Are some people really such a pussies that they are afraid to play with anything that's not Arcstrider and Graviton Lance?

For fuck's sake, the last 6 matches I was matched against the pre-made fireteams of 3 or 4 Arcstriders with Gravitons. All they did was hanging in the back of the map, sucking each others dicks and team shooting.
And that fucking super, they can button mash as much as they want, they are almost impossible to kill and they can get at least 3 kills with one super.

The worst thing is, I don't think that anything will change with the new update, why would anyone use some other weapon when Graviton has that range, impact and aim assist.
I run with dual autorifles or Nameless Midnight and an energy autorifle.

I am guilty of using the Colony, but that's the only Meta I fall into.
I run with dual autorifles or Nameless Midnight and an energy autorifle.

I am guilty of using the Colony, but that's the only Meta I fall into.

Similar to my loadout ( Jade Rabbit, Prosecutor AR and Play of the Game ).

But my blood starts to boil when Graviton can outgun Jade Rabbit on Vostok or Legion's Gulch.
I need to take a break from this piece of rancid shit, at least till that update comes out.

Are some people really such a pussies that they are afraid to play with anything that's not Arcstrider and Graviton Lance?

For fuck's sake, the last 6 matches I was matched against the pre-made fireteams of 3 or 4 Arcstriders with Gravitons. All they did was hanging in the back of the map, sucking each others dicks and team shooting.
And that fucking super, they can button mash as much as they want, they are almost impossible to kill and they can get at least 3 kills with one super.

The worst thing is, I don't think that anything will change with the new update, why would anyone use some other weapon when Graviton has that range, impact and aim assist.
I'm not a fan of nerfing shit but that gun doesn't need that fucking hidden hand perk the gun already got a major boost to range and stability having hidden hand is overkill. I have no ideal how much times I think I'm around a corner then I'm dead from a precision headshot that's due to lag or that gun being able to shoot around corners.

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