Media Darren Till posts picture of him looking tired, fat and old.

I think this is a troll thread by Till to make y’all look at the outline of his weener through His pants

no homo
Brutal picture. And what’s with the ton of salt in those 15 @?

Holy fuck, man.
Honestly, everyone had great moments against Dricus and most took rounds off him... except Whittaker, who was by far the most dangerous opponent had had faced to date and his worst stylistic match-up to boot. He made him look like a walkover by comparison, yet went life-and-death with dudes like Tavares and Perez.

Wild how he seemingly leveled up overnight or shattered a lot of peoples' preconceptions of how he and Bobby matched up in the Octagon. Or both.
Tavares is notoriously difficult to look good against all things considered. Best test for entering the ranks. Even Romero couldn’t finish him.
Honestly, everyone had great moments against Dricus and most took rounds off him... except Whittaker, who was by far the most dangerous opponent had had faced to date and his worst stylistic match-up to boot. He made him look like a walkover by comparison, yet went life-and-death with dudes like Tavares and Perez.

Wild how he seemingly leveled up overnight or shattered a lot of peoples' preconceptions of how he and Bobby matched up in the Octagon. Or both.
Cardio DDP
This dude should get a regular job and find Jesus. MMA is destroying him.
Couple kabobs and a cold one, he be good as new

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