Creepiest beat ever?

Came here to post DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Nightmare on My Street, I'm glad someone posted it!

I had He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper on tape when I was a kid and used to listen to it with headphones and it was scary as fuck for real!
Came here to post DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince Nightmare on My Street, I'm glad someone posted it!

I had He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper on tape when I was a kid and used to listen to it with headphones and it was scary as fuck for real!
Compare that to the beat I posted above.
It's like the creepy of candy compared to a banquet of creep.

That's a sick beat right thar
Throbbing Gristle - Hamburger Lady


Anyone who is a audiophile, or loves the writing of Edgar Allan Poe, may not need an introduction to this album. For everyone else, prepare thy selves sherbros for one of the best concept albums ever conceived. #mindblown

The whole album is solid.


audiophiles are people who are into hi fi stereo equipment.
Still the creepiest beat eva
I see this tendency among young people and hip hop fans to call the entire backing track or musical accompaniment a "beat." The beat is the drums. If you took away everything but the drums on that bone thugs track it probably wouldnt be very creepy. That piano,wah wah guitar and synth organ are creepy, but thats not the beat.
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audiophiles are people who are into hi fi stereo equipment.


Audio: Sound
Phile: One that loves

Don't be that guy, the meaning is lost on no one.
Serious question: do you guys think this is satanic? I used to listen to this as a teenager and I never realized back then what an evil vibe these dudes put out. This shit's pretty dark. It looks like they're literally doing witchcraft in the video. crazy

creepy, satanic and evil, you ask?

The creepiness peaks at 1:38 when the high hat comes in and the guitar reminds me of "the end" by the doors............which is pretty damn creepy.
