City girl vs. Country girl... which do you prefer?

City girl or Country girl

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The country girls I met were much more relaxed than city girls. My last gf was a country girl who grew up in the states. When we first met, I was invited to hang with her whole circle of friends. Most all were country raised and really friendly people. I feel bad about how things ended..
Country girl. They seem more self-reliant and lower maintenance plus cooler to hang out with.

But they're hard to find in the city.
Country girls by default

I’ve never dated them but city girls have been an absolute waste of time and behave like absolute wretches
I think most of you have some misconception about "country girl". Most of them don't take care of themselves very well. You're more likely to find them with bad teeth, overweight bodies, poor hygiene, cheap makeup and ignorant than Daisy Dukes.
If a girl won't fuck in a 4 man tent she ain't worth the 12 pack.
This is a fact:
Country girls are almost always fit, know how to cook, are FIT, arent lazy, make excellent mothers and accept the role. Emotionally strong, are easily tricked and impressed with anything.

City gurls:
See Kim kardiashian
Calabasas? She's the living embodiment of what's wrong with the 'burbs.
Speaking euphemistically, it's always been the fat part of the bell curves rather than the extremities. Seems like all the good stuff is in between the dichotomy. IMHO. ;)
I think most of you have some misconception about "country girl". Most of them don't take care of themselves very well. You're more likely to find them with bad teeth, overweight bodies, poor hygiene, cheap makeup and ignorant than Daisy Dukes.

Yeehaw. @Orgasmo


I like educated women. It isn't necessarily exclusive to one type or the other, but I have found that I have to dumb myself down to talk to most country girls.

If I'm just looking for a good time, I don't really care. If I'm looking for a relationship, country girls are out.
Country girls aren’t fitter by any metric. I’m pretty sure the hard data shows rural areas are fatter and die sooner than urban. Numbers don’t lie.
Assuming they fuck the same: Country girl

Although in my experience city girls fuck 10x better.
Country. City girls just seem too "serious". I've dated across many races/countries/ethnicities/ages, etc. and consistently, the ones that came from more rural/suburban areas were generally more down to earth, low maintenance, and "light", whereas the city girls were just high strung, and idk, there just wasn't much chill to them and now that I think about it, it felt like they were always stressing about something.
I think most of you have some misconception about "country girl". Most of them don't take care of themselves very well. You're more likely to find them with bad teeth, overweight bodies, poor hygiene, cheap makeup and ignorant than Daisy Dukes.
Irony strong in this post.
City girl or country girl?




what city girl? i see no picture. That country girl need a her toenails and fingernails done. i don´t want no rough man hands on my dick either. but that gun is badass and so is that picture. where is that? looks so cool. I want to know where this taken