City girl vs. Country girl... which do you prefer?

City girl or Country girl

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City girl. Most country's gals wouldn't even know how to read a NYC restaurant menu
Country girl. Yeehaw. :p @HelloJapan @Jackie Blue @koolinkunming @Zer

That's just a fat bitch in a prom dress, bruh.
Everyone wants a country girl until they get one.

A city girl can go anywhere and be happy, but a country girl will always want to be in the country and close to home.

It's not true with all of them, of course, but I've seen it first hand and I don't need to see it again. Plus I never really picked who I fell for in life, I never said oh I want a white chick or Latina, I just went with my gut, and balls.
I love both. but I'm a northman. love my fellow city girls.
A city girl will cheat on you with Tyrone. A country girl will cheat on you with Rufus.
They both have their charms, a country girl comes with a country family though.
kind of hard to generalize the 2. there are different types of each
They both have their charms, a country girl comes with a country family though.

Friend of mine found out about that one the hard way. Met & married a country girl in college, then went through hell with her family. It got the point where his wife had to choose between him or her family, and it got seriously ugly to the point where my friend & his wife moved halfway across the country so they'd never have to deal with her family again.
Country girl on average, but how many teeth she has really makes all the difference in the world.

In the back alleys of Atlantic City, no teeth is a selling point.
Friend of mine found out about that one the hard way. Met & married a country girl in college, then went through hell with her family. It got the point where his wife had to choose between him or her family, and it got seriously ugly to the point where my friend & his wife moved halfway across the country so they'd never have to deal with her family again.

Its a real thing for city guys, I grew up in Houston though so I saw my wife's country ass mom's side of the family coming a mile away, and they're mostly harmless if you don't spend too much time around them.
A country girl will put up with my gun habit.
Both, as long as the city or country isnt in murica.
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LOL @ country girls are fit. Any time I see chicks outside the city in their yard they're fatties. Like literally 100% if they are over 25.
I kinda want to say country girls, but I'm a city boy myself and city girls are what I'm used to. I wouldn't rule either out, though.
Neither are exceptionally appealing. I'd slightly lean towards city, but even then working in a major city I couldn't deal with any of the women that are hardcore city girls.