"Black Mirror" sucks

I find it to be somewhat similar to Twilight Zone with less creativity. The twists really aren't that surprising or deep, just kinda what's the most fucked up conclusion can we come to. Stuff I saw on the Twilight Zone 20+ years ago sticks with me to this day because how unique and out of nowhere it was (human zoo, pig faced people, swimming pool to another dimension, last man on Earth that loves books and breaks his glasses). I mean a dude fucking a pig might stick with me, but it's only cause it's vulgar not because it's creative or thought provoking. It varies from episode to episode for me. Probably give it a 7/10 overall.
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If I could rate you with my phone you would get one star.
Blacked Mira was much better.

I loved the show but found the earlier english ones to not be as great. The roaches one and the mechanized bees one, OH! and the comedian cartoon were ones i could skip.

Many others i could watch over n over. I thought Metalhead was gonna drag but that shit was intense.
@SOLID JUAN tells us more about this show, more specifically its pig fucking and how it relates to the evils of technology
USS Callister and Black Museum were pretty good this season. I also liked their Christmas episode with Jon Hamm and the cookies.
Honestly I was 100% sure she was being invited so she could be embarrassed in front of everyone in some way. So it was sort of nice to know the friend did really want her as a bridesmaid even if it was for points.

But she fucked Greg!
I find it to be somewhat similar to Twilight Zone with less creativity. The twists really aren't that surprising or deep, just kinda what's the most fucked up conclusion can we come to. Stuff I saw on the Twilight Zone 20+ years ago sticks with me to this day because how unique and out of nowhere it was (human zoo, pig faced people, swimming pool to another dimension, last man on Earth that loves books and breaks his glasses). I mean a dude fucking a pig might stick with me, but it's only cause it's vulgar not because it's creative or thought provoking. It varies from episode to episode for me. Probably give it a 7/10 overall.
Apples and oranges somewhat IMO. Twilight Zone just thought of bizarre premises and made episodes out of it.

Black Mirror deals with the technological reality we live in and where it might head.
Apples and oranges somewhat IMO. Twilight Zone just thought of bizarre premises and made episodes out of it.

Black Mirror deals with the technological reality we live in and where it might head.

Yeah I don't disagree. it's just that it always gets compared to Twilight Zone, probably just because of the one off format and unique universe.
People comparing it to twilight zone are spot on. I preferred the outer limits they had great stories and I enjoyed everything involving aliens.
I'm a huge Twilight Zone, Tales From the Darkside fan.

Love those types of shows.

Black Mirror is similar, but with that technology twist.

If you're just on season one, check out the third episode-The Entire History of you.

It's One of the best episodes overall, IMO

Agreed, extraordinary episode.
I don't dedicate any time to meeting my neighbor's or understanding/listening to their stories. Even if I did I bet I probably would remember their names because there's a large chance they have much more character depth than anyone in Black Mirror.

Lol it's an anthology show, what do you expect? There's only so much character development that can happen in an hour. If you watched one episode of the Wire you wouldn't connect to any of the characters either. I'm not sure you understand how this works.
Watched 1 episode a friend recommended to me.

Fell asleep watching it(wasn't even tired when I started it) and thought he was fucking with me when I woke up to finish that drivel.
Rick and Morty, Inception, and The Wire are great.
Black Mirror sucks.

Hate is a manifest of fear. Fear arises from ones inability to understand.

Thus, we can safely assume your IQ is below average.
Black Mirror sucks. I saw endless praise of it but I noticed some mixed reviews as well. Some people in interviews were citing it and also coming off very pretentious while doing so, so it turned me off of checking it out. However, I did check it out in the last few days.

One episode in the first season was good. I'm almost to season 3 and actually had to skip a lot of the rest out of boredom. Also, the fan base reminds me of the RIck and Morty fan base in that "my IQ must not be high enough to understand the deep social commentary and creative originality of it"

It's shallow, makes the same point over and over again, is extremely incoherent, has no memorable characters (so far from what I've seen), and is just bleak pretentious garbage that takes itself way to seriously.

Rick and Morty is pretty good though.
Wabalabadubdub bitches


Here I'll do you all a favor. This meme sums up the show perfectly.


Now you don't have to waste your time watching it.
Apples and oranges somewhat IMO. Twilight Zone just thought of bizarre premises and made episodes out of it.

Black Mirror deals with the technological reality we live in and where it might head.

There is a more concentrated theme to BM for sure.

As for Twilight Zone, IMO it's the greatest show of all time, however, it should be noted that it had like nine trillion episodes, and they weren't all winners. It's kind of unfair to both shows, to compare them in terms of consistency. This isn't directed at your comment BTW. Just something I've noticed, whenever they get compared fairly, or unfairly to one another. I've seen shit like "TZ is way better. It has (insert classic episodes)", while completely ignoring the mountains of mediocrity it also produced.

I take these shows as they are, whether it's TZ, BM, TFTC, The Hitchhiker, etc, etc. If the good outweighs the bad, it's likely a damn good anthology series, with enough good material to make an impact.