Anyone else think Thanksgiving food is boring?


Gold Belt
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
Thanksgiving Food = Bland & Boring
Christmas Food = Bland & Boring
British Food = Bland & Boring
Southern Food = Bland & Boring

Can we party like it's not 1799?
I want to see a modernized Thanksgiving feast.
Give me spicy or give me death!

cranberries baked into stuffing is AWESOME
You must be white. White people food is bland as fuck. They think adding salt is “seasoning” s:
Thanksgiving Food = Bland & Boring
Christmas Food = Bland & Boring
British Food = Bland & Boring
Southern Food = Bland & Boring

Can we party like it's not 1799?
I want to see a modernized Thanksgiving feast.
Give me spicy or give me death!
Correction; YOUR holiday food is bland and boring. I develop my menu, buy the ingredients and cook a friggin' awesome holiday meal.

YOU'RE bland and boring.


lmao this one even better. It even has an egg inside it. The yellow mung bean and purple makes it look so realistic. And of course bacon wrapped no less.
You must be white. White people food is bland as fuck. They think adding salt is “seasoning” s:
What a rascist and completely dumb post.

Just so you know. Literally every single person you will find on any list of best chefs in the world are white.
You have to do your own version of these foods. They get old year after year, so you have to jazz it up.
I discreetly carry little bags of chorizo and green chili for situations where I'm forced to eat boring white person food.

Depends on how its cooked. Ive eaten some deep fried turkey that was to die for. Also eaten barbecued turkey that was the bomb. But yeah, standard oven baked turkey and all the trimmings can get kinda bland.
Thanksgiving Food = Bland & Boring
Christmas Food = Bland & Boring
British Food = Bland & Boring
Southern Food = Bland & Boring

Can we party like it's not 1799?
I want to see a modernized Thanksgiving feast.
Give me spicy or give me death!
I discreetly carry little bags of chorizo and green chili for situations where I'm forced to eat boring white person food.

this guy knows

personally i carry cayenne pepper. need my spice mate. keep a thing of it in my purse lol
I discreetly carry little bags of chorizo and green chili for situations where I'm forced to eat boring white person food.

That's cause for a beating at my house.
You must be white. White people food is bland as fuck. They think adding salt is “seasoning” s:
White people can cook just fine, you just live in a shitty place where Kraft Mac and cheese costs $3 a box.

Don't be mad that your country's contribution to the culinary arts was potatoes and fucking gravy, lol.
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For the holidays, I have lobster, sashimi, whole fish, anything but turkey.
go to a Latino thanksgiving.

you won't be talking any of this nonsense about boring food.