Any wow fans left?

Ugh, reputation grinds fuckin kill me. Trying to get 21000 rep 5 at a time.... I'm not sure I can do it, its fucking killer

I hate how we're forced to grind rep for the versatility PvP gear in Ashran. I don't think we've had to do that in PvP since the old Vanilla days.
Dinged 99. Gonna grind out quests in Nagrand and queue for Skyreach.
I'm happy that there is something to do every day in the game.

You log on, do your Garrison chores and the dailies. That's a huge step from previous expansions where you level, gear and have nothing to do.

I didn't really like the Garrison at first but they are a lot of fun and give you plenty to do.
Im gonna keep bitching. knowing i have to grind rep 5 at a time to reach 21,000 just to upgrade my shit really makes me want to take a break haha.
They buffed my class, lol.

Ran the daily CM and a few five man heroics earlier as Fire an was wondering why my crit percentage was at 37% self buffed.


        Arcane Barrage's damage has increased by 16%.
        Arcane Blast's damage has increased by 16%.
        Arcane Explosion's damage has increased by 10%.
        Arcane Missiles' damage has increased by 16%.
        Enhanced Pyrotechnics now causes a stacking 10% increased critical strike chance (up from 5% per stack).
        Molten Armor now increases spell critical strike chance by 15% (up from 5%).
        Frostbolt's damage has increased by 25%.
        Arcane Orb's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
        Comet Storm's (Frost) damage has increased by 25%.
Woah....that'd seems OP as fuck lol. They need to buff shaman imo
Woah....that'd seems OP as fuck lol. They need to buff shaman imo

First boss in normal Highmaul me and a Ele Shaman were neck an neck the entire fight for top DPS.

I dont see the changes staying throughout the entire expansion. For right now im wrecking people on DPS meters.
Just hit level 100 but my iLvl is still pretty low (600). Having a blast with this expansion. Ran Skyreach at 99 and managed to tank through the first half with a completely worthless healer. Felt pretty good about myself.
Having some fun in lunarfall just outside the alliance Garrison.

We just camp outside it and gank anyone coming out, if too many come out we run to the area where the garrison would be and it phases you :)
Having some fun in lunarfall just outside the alliance Garrison.

We just camp outside it and gank anyone coming out, if too many come out we run to the area where the garrison would be and it phases you :)

Sounds super fun. Almost as fun as beating a 2 year old in tennis.
Sounds super fun. Almost as fun as beating a 2 year old in tennis.

Would be a legit comment on a realm like Outland EU where the faction imbalance is 90-10

Defias Brotherhood has a 50/50 population with Large WPVP guilds on both ends, it usually leads to some great fights. or if nothing else, frustrating your rival guilds.

WPVP is one of the only things left in this game that keeps me and many others playing, our guild is solely a WPVP guild. Some of us still push a bit of rating now and then but the class imbalances frustrate many people.
Dinged 100 on my DK yesterday, not sure which one I'm working on next...
I got back into the game also. I haven't played BC but I was able to get my druid and warlock to 100. I've been playing my Druid more though with an item level of 638, instant queues for everything as a healer.
Getting a retarded amount of lag and FPS plummeting since Highmaul went live.

And it's not just WoW, it's all Blizzard games. Anything and everything else works fine on my computer.. Just Blizzard related shit has issues.
Getting a retarded amount of lag and FPS plummeting since Highmaul went live.

And it's not just WoW, it's all Blizzard games. Anything and everything else works fine on my computer.. Just Blizzard related shit has issues.

The Hearthstone GvG release probably isn't helping either.
Yeah, bartender seems to be going down an up a lot. At peak times here te ability lag out in the world is around a second.

Running dungeons or a raid are lag free.
The Hearthstone GvG release probably isn't helping either.

Who knows what's going on. Even trying to surf their forums for help there is lag.

Heroes of the Storm was 100% lag free until all this started, now it's basically unplayable.
Did the first boss in highmaul on heroic. An the first four on normal.

Fun fights. Nothing overly complicated. Which is something I expect to change later on.

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