Anti Semitic Trolls Harass Ben Shapiro's sister

Sucks that she has to pay for being related to her dweeb brother.

Well, he has advocated for ethnically cleansing the Palestinians and has said blatantly racist things about Arabs. That doesn't make him a literal Nazi but in colloquial language that's enough to qualify I'd say.

When specifically has he advocated for ethnically cleansing the Palestinians? Not aware of that.

gahd damn that body...she dresses super conservative though.
It says an alt-right publication outed her, but doesn't say who's harassing her. After all, Ben gets shit from white nationalists and far left idiots equally. On one hand he's a ((())) who's controlling everything, on the other he gets called a nazi. People suck.

Ben Shapiro calls shit like he sees it on both sides. To bring his sister into politics is straight trash.
I want to ask Ben Shapiro if he ever thinks about sleeping with his sister.
Ben would destroy you in any political argument you'd want to have with him. So a picture of his sister is all you have 'left'.

....... What the fuck are you on about? Im the one who made a thread saying his sister should not be harassed.
Another Jewish person accused of being part of the a alt-right thats getting harassed by white nationalists?
Can hardly keep up anymore.

In the 1980's Pat Buchanan was often called a WASP bigot. He is white, check. One of his parents was German the other British, half check. He is Roman Catholic. Decidedly not WASP.
Ben Shapiro tells us that he's Jewish about every five minutes. He takes a major zionist position on Israel, and he has publicly stated that his goal is to be the first Orthodox Jewish President of the United States. I don't feel sorry that he takes some pushback but there shouldn't been violence, threats or slurs.

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