79 year old rapes 5 year old girl, gets just 90 days house arrest

Drag this piece of shit to the nearest body of water and hold him under until he stops kicking.
Not much to go on here. Seems totally crazy but what is the reason?
He was obviously a muslim and used the free muslim pass that all the sherfronters talk about. Or maybe not, otherwise this thread would be 25 pages by now with all the usual suspects.
The fix was in from beginning with DA's pathetic slap on the wrist charges. Judge and jury can do nothing about that. Not really a failure of the justice system rather than a DA on the take. FBI should be checking their bank accounts.
My first guess after reading the headline is this is most likely California and a liberal judge.
It appears the family accused the man of some minor touching and initially agreed that 90 day house arrest was an appropriate punishment. The 79 yo guy denies ever touching the kid but took the plea deal because he is old, in poor health, and was willing to take some small slap on the wrist to move on with his life. Very possible this is all motivated by greed. Poverty parents will go after rich guy in a civil suit now.
There's rich people in stockton? Either way fuck this piece of shit and our justice system is a joke.
Not many.. So they really, really, really go out of the way to help the ones they have..

But seriously, I see judges getting duis dropped to much lesser traffic violations and all kinds of crap. I'm getting tired of the buddy system; really tired.
Basically the death penalty.

But in all seriousness, this is probably a good example of class privilege. In an ideal world, child rapists get a neckshot.
Wouldn't gutshot be better, so he can bleed out slowly?
How about 90 day house arrest with a catch, there will also be a VERY hungry Bengal Tiger in the house too and all of the doors in the house will have been removed. Would make for a good reality tv show, could call it 'Cats and Pedos'
As I've said before, these people are predators hunting human prey. Things that actively prey on humans are normally put down. We need to stop treating sexual predators and molesters differently.

Throw in the judge as well.
He was only 77, not 90.
And this is fucked up. Who advocates for the powerless in this country?
Not only does he get a slap on the wrist, he doesn't even have to register as a sex offender.
SMH @ "statutory rape"; the girl was 5yo!

Hopefully he kills himself and leaves all of his money in an anonymous trust to pay for this girls therapy.
If he were to be lynched as a jury member would find his killers guilty of being heroes!
But seriously this is why vigilantes come abiut, the break down of the law.
I'm a dad of a 5 yo girl. If this happened , I'd beat that guy into a coma