15 Yr. Old "Alleged" Spokane School Shooter's Name, Face Broadcast Soon After


What evidence is there to suggest the news would have buried his identity if he wasn't White?

It just seems to me releasing a 15 yr old's name and pic before conviction seems careless if not purposeful along the lines of, "lest the ___ community get high and mighty, remember the ____."

And "Asian" as far as other identity coverups in recent media due to too much bad press, maybe?

All I know when I heard the line on the radio the other day "the suspect has been identified as 15 yr old Caleb Sharpe" it stuck out as wow, they just clearly outed a minor's identity before any due process and conviction. Not normal nowadays.
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id be more concerned with the fact kids are regularly blowing their classmates away in schools than what colour they are, but thats just me
Are you legit curious or trying to downplay the fact another white kid is a school shooter?

it's pretty proportionate to population size the race of school shooters.
I honestly don't have a problem with releasing a murder suspects name whatever his age may be.

But I see your point.
innocent until proven guilty is a legitimate argument and should be implemented when considering a minors name being released imo
innocent until proven guilty is a legitimate argument and should be implemented when considering a minors name being released imo

I have to agree. Look at how often the media and social media jump the gun before all the facts come out, or God forbid reports the wrong person.
You had the teen from the Boston marathon bombing.

Oh, aND wasn't the kid with the DC sniper a minor as well?
I am legit curious. Do they normally broadcast kid murderers faces and names while they're still alleged a short while after an incident? Is this normal at all or am I asking the wrong person?

I'm pretty sure yes they do.
The most prolific school shooting in the US was perpetrated by a Korean
We are gonna need a non white school shooter to know for sure.

Haven't searched but I can't remember one that wasn't white.

Wtf is with white kids and school shooting? It always seem to be a white kid doing this crime

it's pretty proportionate to race for shootings at school, but what are the demographics of violence and murder by school aged people?

Violent crimes are committed by teens every year. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) provides these 2010 statistics on teen violence regarding violent crimes:
  • 4,828 young people, ages 10-24, were victims of homicide. An average of 13 each day.
  • 82.8% of of youth homicides were committed with a firearm.
  • Juveniles under 18 accounted for 13.7% of all violent crime arrests and 22.5% of all property crime arrests.
  • 784 juveniles were arrested for murder.
  • 2,198 juveniles were arrested for forcible rape.
  • 35,001 juveniles were arrested for aggravated assault.
I live in spokane. Nothing but beta white cuckolds. Kid probably didnt have a real father figure in his life to teach him how to stand up for himself.

Caption to the full color photo in the article:

"Alleged Freeman High School shooter Caleb Sharpe, 15, is escorted from the Public Safety Building to the Juvenile Detention Center, in Spokane, Washington, U.S., September 13, 2017. Courtesy Colin Mulvany/The Spokesman-Review"

- The above is Rueters, so hundreds if not thousands of news outlets carried the story as is, unedited throughout the world.

Simple question, would this 15 year old alleged perpetrator be treated the same way if he was any other race or had a name associated to another religion?

I can imagine many news outlets covering the shooting using this Reuters article might have considered "Ha, Suck It White 'Christians!'" before disappointedly leaving the big reveal for the prominent, uncensored picture.

I myself think murderers are too protected, even as 15 year olds. But the fact that I heard this one's identity revealed over the radio a couple of days ago leapt out at me as selective. Am I wrong?
If he was anything but white, you wouldn't have heard a thing about his name or religion or race. Gotta protect those Muslims and keep the narrative flowing!

Caption to the full color photo in the article:

"Alleged Freeman High School shooter Caleb Sharpe, 15, is escorted from the Public Safety Building to the Juvenile Detention Center, in Spokane, Washington, U.S., September 13, 2017. Courtesy Colin Mulvany/The Spokesman-Review"

- The above is Rueters, so hundreds if not thousands of news outlets carried the story as is, unedited throughout the world.

Simple question, would this 15 year old alleged perpetrator be treated the same way if he was any other race or had a name associated to another religion?

I can imagine many news outlets covering the shooting using this Reuters article might have considered "Ha, Suck It White 'Christians!'" before disappointedly leaving the big reveal for the prominent, uncensored picture.

I myself think murderers are too protected, even as 15 year olds. But the fact that I heard this one's identity revealed over the radio a couple of days ago leapt out at me as selective. Am I wrong?

That is very strange. In fact I think it might be against the law.


Is it illegal to broadcast the identity of a minor?
That is very strange. In fact I think it might be against the law.


Is it illegal to broadcast the identity of a minor?

Not if it's true information and newsworthy. And the name of an arrested individual is considered newsworthy.