Zip Fizz


Blue Belt
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Is anybody familiar with this new drink? It is supposed to be a very good energy drink and they also have dietary drinks that are supposed to help with weight loss. Thanks in advanced for any info.
I wouldn't drink anything called fwap jizz but hey it's your body.
Looks like the same shit that's in a Monster or whatever, just powdered so you have to mix it yourself, the lazy fuckers...

Say what you will but you found my nonsense reply more worthy of a reply than the TS original question. In turn your bumping the post actually got someone to look into it and give the guy an answer.
my cousin purchased Zip Fizz at Costco. It is wat it is. It seems to be a cheaper n supposedly healthier alternative to the energy drinks. They come in a test tube and u just pour it into bottled water n thats it. It has about 10 cals and seems to have a good amount of vits and mins. has lots of b-12.
my zip fizz is incredible isn't it?
I'm not sure how good it is for you but one time when I was in Phoenix I gave some to my 5 year old cousin who's mom won't let him anything non-organic and he went off the wall. My aunt yelled at me when my other cousin told her what I did but it was so funny.
never heard of it

doenst sound too nutritionally beneficial, though
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Tube
Amount Per Serving - % Daily Value:*
Calories 10, Total Carbohydrates 2 g - <1%, Sugars 0 g - **, Vitamin C 500 mg - 833%, Vitamin E 10 IU - 33%, Thiamin 0.38 mg - 25%, Riboflavin 0.43 mg - 25%, Niacin 10 mg - 50%, Vitamin B6 2.5 mg - 125%, Folate 13 mcg - 3%, Vitamin B12 25000 mcg - 41667%, Pantothenic Acid 2.5 mg - 25%, Calcium 60 mg - 6%, Magnesium 100 mg - 25%, Zinc 2 mg - 13%, Selenium 5 mcg - 7%, Manganese 1 mg - 50%, Chromium 100 mcg - 83%, Sodium 60 mg - 3%, Potassium 905 mg - 26%, Proprietary Blend (L-Arginine, Caffeine from Guarana Seed Extract, L-Taurine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, American Ginseng Root Extract, Ginger Root) 317 mg - **.

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
**Percent Daily Value not established.

It's not a big deal. The B12 content is significant and would cause me only slight concern if I were already supplementing it. This makes me think of very weak and poor quality NO Explode. I would guess it works well for what it is.

Without question this is better than drinking Monster, Red Bull and most other energy drinks.


FUCK ALL YOU WAR OT!!!!! Rickson by armbar

haha oh wow
explain how? And I was hoping to not see a single tranny today
^^^^^How is that shit still here 5 days later? *Vomits*

ZF seems like a decent alternative when traveling. Ive tried it, definitely woke my ass up with a jolt.
Say what you will but you found my nonsense reply more worthy of a reply than the TS original question. In turn your bumping the post actually got someone to look into it and give the guy an answer.

Just bustin your balls...but really, fwap jizz?

C'mon man..