Your top reasons Hillary lost.

Trump's was one of the most unlikely underdog victories in history and there's obviously countless theories out there. The question is what's yours?

The most obvious to me is she ran a horrible campaign. It was the nfl equivalent of running the prevent defense. Her campaign believed the hype that she had it wrapped up. Therefore the less you saw of her the better. She sat back, trying to let Trump bury himself but instead he out worked her bigly.

Lack of message. This goes hand in hand with running a shitty campaign but it's as if she had no platform or rationale for running.

The biggest reason outside of her control was Comey reopening the investigation into her. The timing couldn't have been worse. Trump was completely on the ropes with ask the pussy grabbing, accusations, etc and this gave him a lifeline. Also the fact that she was associated with that scoundrel Anthony wiener made it even worse.

Coming in very close behind that is that she ran a relatively close primary against a beloved figure in sanders, and there was the appearance and probably reality that sanders was screwed.

The black vote didn't show up for her. With suck close margins in key States This was critical. If they showed up in similar numbers to Obama she would be potus.

And in a year when being establishment is a negative she is the poster child for establishment politics.

That rounds out my list. What say you?

4. Hillary's incompetence
3. Hillary's history of unethical and crass behavior
2. DNC cheating
1. It's "the economy, stupid" - James Carville

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I think the biggest part of why Clinton lost is fake news.

Let me elaborate here though. Fake news is when the news claims to have debunked or proven something, when they most obviously have not. They do not do investigative journalism, but instead give editorial.

From pizza gate, to the Clinton foundation, to DNC corruption, they never actually debunk anything. They put a talking head up their to give their editorial opinion, on why pizza gate, the Clinton foundation, and DNC corruption aren't real.

Clinton lost because the MSM is wearing no clothes.

"To the Clinton foundation".

Lost you right there bud. Investigative journalism has thoroughly revealed it to be a slush fund for bribes.
"To the Clinton foundation".

Lost you right there bud. Investigative journalism has thoroughly revealed it to be a slush fund for bribes.

I actually used those 3 examples to show varying degrees of credibility on claims leveled against her, and how they all get the same basic handwaiving rebuttal.

The DNC corrupting being the most proven, Clinton foundation being less proven, and pizza gate being the least proven.
Many Black (prob some whites also) people voted for Obama based only on his skin color. Which I think is a fucking travesty but that’s a different thread. I think they thought women would do the equivalent and vote for her because she’s a woman

Oh, and also “white-lash”
Feeling nostalgic, huh?

How about because we just had 8 years of a Dem and the pendulum always swings the other way?
Except it wasn't. The same group that today claims it has a high rating, also removed them at one point from their list, as their methods of "accounting" made it difficult for them to come up with a number.

One of the groups that gave them a high rating. It was, in fact, one of the highest-rated charities. You're just fabricating the notion that there was any issues there (much less that it was a sham). And you attributed it without a link, which is a red flag.
I'm not a big fan of Moore, but this seems like part of the reason.

One of the groups that gave them a high rating. It was, in fact, one of the highest-rated charities. You're just fabricating the notion that there was any issues there (much less that it was a sham). And you attributed it without a link, which is a red flag.

It's called google, do it yourself.
It's called google, do it yourself.

I have, which is how I know you're full of shit.

And generally, your posts indicate a lot of the problems with political discourse. It's not enough for you to prefer one set of policies--you have to make up crazy attacks on the other side. And you're passing around false claims without checking them.
Oh...... So you don't really have an actual answer and saw on the news somewhere that you were supposed to vote for Hillary. That's sort of what I thought your answer was.

No, one candidate had sane policies and the other didn't.