Have you garnered a new perspective recently? There are some beliefs or opinions I thought would be difficult for me to change my mind on, but I've recently been exposed to some experiences and information that made me rethink my stance.
1. I was vehemently pro-gay marriage for a long time.
I personally don't it's my business whatever consenting adults do.I always thought of marriage as being a solely a matter for the individuals involved and that government and the rest of society should stay out of it. But I realize now that when it comes to marriage, it has to be a legal issue. Legalizing gay marriage would open the doors for other forms of marriage and that could lead to an administrative nightmare. It would be very confusing to figure that shit out and keeping the legal definition of marriage as being between man and woman would make things a lot more simpler. I'm still all about the rights of gay people being equal to everybody else, but I am not sure where I stand on the issue of marriage now.
2. I was always against going to prostitutes.
I've always been for legalizing it, but I personally didn't want to go to prostitutes myself. My first experience with one years ago was very empty and forgettable. The girl was average looking and she was almost too professional; everything was very mechanical and "by the book." I wondered why anybody would pay for sex when it would be much better to simply hit on a girl at a bar for a one night stand. And personally, sex in itself isn't all that meaningful for me unless I have some emotional connection with a girl I know. However, these days I find myself caring less about emotional connection with women unless the girl is truly special, which is rare. Hitting on women feels like too much work these days not to mention I don't have as much time anymore. Not to mention some chicks are fucking crazy and can bring drama to your life. Also I don't want a relationship anyway. But if I do get horny, going to a prostitute seems like an easy and simple alternative without the hassle of trying to hit on a girl and establishing a no-strings attached fwb arrangement without her getting clingy and hurt.
Has anybody else had recent changes in opinion?
1. I was vehemently pro-gay marriage for a long time.
I personally don't it's my business whatever consenting adults do.I always thought of marriage as being a solely a matter for the individuals involved and that government and the rest of society should stay out of it. But I realize now that when it comes to marriage, it has to be a legal issue. Legalizing gay marriage would open the doors for other forms of marriage and that could lead to an administrative nightmare. It would be very confusing to figure that shit out and keeping the legal definition of marriage as being between man and woman would make things a lot more simpler. I'm still all about the rights of gay people being equal to everybody else, but I am not sure where I stand on the issue of marriage now.
2. I was always against going to prostitutes.
I've always been for legalizing it, but I personally didn't want to go to prostitutes myself. My first experience with one years ago was very empty and forgettable. The girl was average looking and she was almost too professional; everything was very mechanical and "by the book." I wondered why anybody would pay for sex when it would be much better to simply hit on a girl at a bar for a one night stand. And personally, sex in itself isn't all that meaningful for me unless I have some emotional connection with a girl I know. However, these days I find myself caring less about emotional connection with women unless the girl is truly special, which is rare. Hitting on women feels like too much work these days not to mention I don't have as much time anymore. Not to mention some chicks are fucking crazy and can bring drama to your life. Also I don't want a relationship anyway. But if I do get horny, going to a prostitute seems like an easy and simple alternative without the hassle of trying to hit on a girl and establishing a no-strings attached fwb arrangement without her getting clingy and hurt.
Has anybody else had recent changes in opinion?